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Introduce your SO!

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    Introduce your SO!

    Let's say their name, age and something you like about them so we all can introduce our SO!

    Ok, I start!

    His name is Francesco, he turned 19 this year (four days after my 18th birthday, haha), anddddd.. I completely love his smile and his kindness!

    I like this idea :]

    His name is Thomas, he's going to be 22 in a month and I'm not sure I could pick just one thing about him I love. I guess his heart.


      Wow sweet

      His name is Eddie, he's 17 (18 in 6 months), and I love so many things about him, especially how he can make everything better.
      Last edited by XAngie976X; April 18, 2010, 03:37 PM.


        Oh, fun.
        He's Ryan. Just turned nineteen last month. Aaand. I love how he makes me feel confident in myself, which is usually really hard for me. <3


          Hahah I know it's hard to pick only one thing since we love everything about them!



            His name is Mark, he is 41, and I love how he knows me so well, that when something is wrong, i can't hide it from him. Sometimes its annoying cause I don't wanna talk about it, but I love him for being able to do that.


              lol, cool. ^^

              His name's Alex, he's 21, and he is the most creative, kind computer tech I know. ^^


                His name is Philippe, hes 18 and i love him so much, no one ever has made me happier than i have been since i've known him, i feel privilaged to be his other half (: oh and i love it when he laughs at the things i say.. i could go on ALL day about why he's so amazing to me... (:


                  His name is John. He will be turning 25 next month. I love him so much because he is very honest and tries so hard to make me happy :-)


                    My SO is called Alex, he is 17 years old and turns 18 this June 10th (a day after I turn 15!) and he is a complete gamer nerd!!


                      his name is Blake and he'll be 18 in may.
                      i love how he can cheer me up just by saying "hey"
                      i love how he brings out the good in me. i love how
                      honest and respectful he is. he truely is amazing =]


                        His name is Jason, and he turns 29 on April 27th. I love that he loves and wants me for who I am, flaws and all.
                        “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”


                          Her name is Taija and she is 17. I love her for how unique she is; the smartest most interesting girl I've met, and the only person who makes me smile without even having to say anything.
                          Last edited by Trigun472; April 18, 2010, 05:39 PM.


                            Her name is Denise, she's 31 years old, and she has the most infectious cute laugh, she understands the real me and was blessed with patience to put up with my bullshit, and shes the most sweetest, caring person ive ever had my life and i love her so much


                              His name is Enrique. He turned 20 this January. I love how so much of our relationship can be based on humor. It's something I've never really been able to do with people. Even when we're being serious, he doesn't get offended when I stick a joke in there to keep us from going nuts, and will do the same thing if I can't come up with anything.

