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New here and about to meet my LDR!!

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    New here and about to meet my LDR!!

    Ok a little background. We met on an online dating site. We started slow messaging on the site, then moved up to emails, then texting, then calling and now skype chats every week. We have now been talking for just about 3 months and the chemistry is off the charts. I am in CA and he is in TX, there is close to 1100 miles between us. We have been talking about meeting for a bit and now we are finally making it happen next week. I am actually flying out there. He has offered to pay for the hotel for me. I am so excited to meet him and feel him in the flesh. I guess this meeting is a make or break thing. We are not really official yet as it seems pretty silly for us to be official when we have not even met in person. I am so nervous about how this meeting is going to go. I wonder if we will kiss or hold hands... the unknown is killing me. Im going to stay for the weekend so we will have a couple days together. Can anyone tell me what I can expect for a first meeting? what are signs that things are going good?

    Welcome to LFAD! And good luck on your 1st time meeting your SO


      I know exactly what you’re going through. It’s almost like getting ready for a job interview. The nerves and butterflies can almost kill you alone. I would just say for me was to breathe and try to relax even though my first time meeting I was pacing back and forth in the house, looking at the window for my date to arrive ever 5 seconds. Im sure you will be doing the same, but once you meet in person it will all fall into place and you will have a great time! I would say if your both smiling and laughing then that’s a good sign your date is going well. Good Luck!!


        Good luck and welcome to Texas ^.^ Just be yourself and relax, see how things go and let them take a natural course.
        Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
        Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
        Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


        You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
        Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

        Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
        Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


          Thanks everyone! I am SO SO SO stoked i could scream!! its simply amazing. I have fallen for him HARD. Ive never felt like this about anyone.... I cant wait to see where this goes. I really want to take pictures with him... like together. Would it be weird to ask him to take pictures? nothing fancy just stuff on my cell phone. And im anxious about if this is gonna be awkward and if the chemistry will be there in person...


            I went thru the exact same thing this summer. my bf is in Texas also. I met him on fb and this summer I flew down for a week to meet him. we were friends for a year and we were dating for 3 months before I went down there. we texted, spoke on the phone, a/o chatted online almost daily prior to our meeting. even though you have had great contact you need to stay safe. make sure your family knows how to reach you. also, don't do anything that you don't feel 100% comfortable with. when I went to Texas I took just a few pictures. he's coming up to visit me in a few months and I'll take a ton. so my advice is to stay safe and have fun!


              Thanks so much! Yes I am playing it safe. My friends and family have all my travel details and phone numbers so they can reach me easily. This is my first LDR and my first time even flying out so far for a guy, this almost feels crazy! I am seriously head over heels for the guy.... I wonder if he feels the same... I have so many questions running through my mind. Im already thinking of the goodbye when I have to leave. Omg, I think I will cry... and then im scared that if he sees me cry it may freak him out... gahhh... Im gonna miss him so much.... like we text each other that we miss each other when we have not texted much that day... and when I mean much I mean less than 10 texts lol. I cant imagine really missing him after physically being with him... would it be weird to ask for a shirt so I can have something of his to take with me... to smell and hold on to? Im scared that it may be too soon... thoughts?

