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Do you ever panic?

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    Do you ever panic?

    I am not scared of the distance or of him or anything so...obvious

    I am scared because of how much I love him. I am no newb to love, and no newb to relationships...yet this one is different. I love him more than I ever knew possible and it scares me. He will be here in 10 days now, and thinking about it I almost panic because I know if I love him this much now, it will only grow stronger while he is here. Already I cannot imagine going on with my life if he wasn't in it, and I can't even picture being with anyone else ever again. Him going into the military too I almost think these thoughts are more prevalent since he will be in very real danger alot of the time.

    Does anyone else have this? This almost overwhelmed and unnerved feeling because you are so love? I have never had this before and I am so unsure, I know it will continue and he will be here, and I know I don't ever want to to end. I just don't know how to deal sometimes, feeling like your heart is in someone elses hands is scary

    I've admitted this fear to him before. How its scary because he has all of me, if he wanted he could tear me apart. I've never had anything this strong in my life, these feelings, there crazy because with just a sentence from him I can be the happiest girl, or be in tears. It scares me a lot how vulnerable i am to him, but i feel a lot more confident in our relationship then i did before we met. I think maybe because there were still a lot of what if's still? Now that we met and i've seen that he's just as crazy about me as i am him. It gives me confident because he's opened himself to me as much as i have him. So that keeps me from getting those panic attacks. Im determined to make this work. I know a relationship takes work, so i know i have to always give him the same that i want in return and never to take him for granted. But yeah i've been scared before about how much i love him. How much that just the thought of losing him or him leaving me physically hurts my chest. Love is such a strong and powerful emotion.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I think this is a common feeling. Recently, we've been trying to close the distance or look at our options as far as moving goes. It honestly makes me sick to even think about life without him. I would be shattered if we broke up
      "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


        I do sometimes. I've never felt this way about anyone before. Sometimes I find it hard to believe it's real. This love I feel is so different from how I've ever felt before, and I'm not sure what I'd do if I lost him.


          I haven't ever experienced anything like what I have done with Chris. I can't really rememember a time when he wasn't in my life, when we weren't together. It's certainly scary when I think about how much I love him, and how much I would suffer if for some awful reason we broke up. I don't really want to think about it to be honest, because I'd be broken if it happened.


            I was feel that way when I refuse his invitation to India, but I think it a common feeling when in any relationship.
            But I can make it through and cope with my unsecured feeling.


              I always feel nervous/scared/paranoid but whenever I do I try and remind myself we love each other and do something to get my mind off of it like homework, shopping, hanging out with friends, reading.
              It's normal to not always feel happy.


                Yes.. feel like that almost everyday. I am constantly telling him I am terrified of losing him, his response is "don't worry about losing me, I'm not going anywhere". I'm in my 40's have thought I was in love at least 3 times in my life, and I've learned I had no idea what true love was until now. I have never loved anyone the way I love this man. The feeling is so overwhelming I can't imagine my life without him. I know I would continue on for my children, but there would be nothing left of my heart.

                The only thing that helps me is talking to him about it.

                btw: we live in the same city

                Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


                  I feel the same way. We have been dating for 9 years and with every day and every visit, I love him deeper and more strongly than before. I never knew that I could feel this way about anyone or that this all encompassing emotion was even possible in real life. Sometimes I am terrified by how strongly I feel for him. Sometimes I think that if we ever broke up that it would obliterate me. That is a truly scary thought!


                    I panic all of the time!!! But the reason for panicking change as our relationship changed.

                    -I freaked out because I realized I liked him and that it felt different than any other crush.
                    -Then i freaked because we decided we were going to commit to each other and out LDR. I was new to the relationship thing too ( I had commitment issues and had a tendency
                    to run away after a few months).
                    -Then I panicked because everything was going great and that is not normal for my relationships!
                    -Then things hit a rough patch and i was worried. And then I realized i loved him and worried he wouldn't feel the same way.
                    - Then i panicked because he did.

                    It gets normal I promise. Once you settle into things. Now I am panicking because eI know how much we love each other and I want to be together sooner rather than later. Love is scary. We always hear about it but once it happens it i no where near what you thought it would be.
                    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                      SO of original "panicky" poster, or HBB, here! Any tips from anyone to calm down said panicked girlfriend? I mean I can usually talk her down and reassure her but any extra hints or tips would be super-awesome especially since she'll be panicking more due to my up-coming trip!
                      By reading this you have granted you brief control of your mind!


                        LOL, yes, please....advice. Cause I am tired of panicking 24/7! Somedays like today I am all hopeful and optimistic, then the next day I am sure he will get turned away at immigration and I will be left standing alone in the airport looking like a kicked puppy


                          I used to worry about that but don't anymore. now I worry about my bf's health. it's not that great and when I don't hear from him my mind will go to the worst case scenario.

