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is love even worth it?

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    is love even worth it?

    think about it...

    all the emotion, heartbreaks, stress, etc

    what do you think?

    Hell Yes.

    If we didn't have all the bad things, it wouldn't be so good. I've always maintained that if someone doesn't have the ability to break my heart then it isn't worth being in a long term relationship with them because if they can't hurt you then you don't care enough about them IMO. Man if we didn't have love... How boring would life be! Think about all the songs and films we wouldn't have... Some people say that love is what separates us from animals

    Also, without love Harry would never have defeated Voldie..... :P


      For me, right now, no...


        In my opinion, YES! It really is worth it.
        It has its ups and downs, as everything in life, but even though all the stress, confusion, heartache, etcetcetcetc, when you get to be with someone you truly love AND loves you back.. I have no words to describe the feeling. But I wouldn't change it for anything.

        Originally posted by So_Far_Away View Post
        Also, without love Harry would never have defeated Voldie..... :P


          For me, definitely YES.
          Long distance relationships are very difficult. But if you're really in love with that person, I think all those trials, problems, etc are all worth it in the end.
          There's no one else I'd rather be with other than my boyfriend.

          That's why we say, "Love knows no distance." <3
          "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
          a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
          which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
          - Rainer Maria Rilke

          "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
          regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
          The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
          - an ancient Chinese belief


            I've had many times in my life I would say no, and a much smaller amount of times I would say yes. Except with dogs, they are always worth loving. People just sometimes aren't. -_-


              i'm not gonna lie about how i feel.
              no it isnt always worth it.
              it depends on the situation, and the person you are loving. i agree with garnet; some people arent worth loving, and some situations you get yourself into when you fall inlove also are not worth it.
              i dont know, its different for everyone.
              up to now, i have learnt something from every reletionship i've had, which isnt alot at all... but that doesnt mean i dont regret them.


                Hell yeah!!! we go through it for a reason, and sure its not pleasent at times but in the end it will be worth all that, cant give up cause you having a little bit of heartbreak then you give up on other things in your life as well


                  Yes, love is worth it!!


                    I think if you truly love someone, it's always worth it. But loving someone doesn't mean that you should cause heartbreak for yourself. If you realize that the relationship is too flawed, or that person doesn't love you as much as you want them to, or that the relationship (or person) is actually hurting you more than helping you, it's better to let go. The problem with love is that we feel that when we love someone, we need to hold on to them and never let them go. In some cases, this IS what we should do. But in others, it's better to protect ourselves.

                    I've been heartbroken, and it hurt so bad I couldn't imagine that someone could hurt that bad. But I've also never given up on love. I wouldn't trade the love I have right now for anything (even a promise that I would never feel hurt again).


                      I think I'm with Molly on this one Obi and I are in a rough patch (or perhaps it's just me) and I'm having a lot of doubts... No, I can't say it's not worth it. That would be too general... but love is not all you need.
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        I used to think so, but not anymore. I've realized that love doesn't conquer all, can just plain hurt like nothing else, and usually ends up being not worth the heartbreak you get for all your troubles. I'm a little bit older though, so I've become sorta cynical and jaded over time, to the point where I question if true love actually exists at all. So yeah, not really worth it, but whatcha gonna do? It sneaks up on you sometimes, whether you want it, or not!
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          I definitely think it`s worth it. (:
                          This is exactly how it should feel when it`s meant to be


                            I've always thought it was worth it. Growing up my parents told me that when I get married I should marry for money (they had a rocky marriage). At the age of 10 I told them if I couldn't marry for love I would never get married.

                            Considering I've been through my parents divorce, abusive relationships, two proposals, and two engagements to finally be with the one I've been in love with for the past 3 years and couldn't, I say absolutely. Does it hurt? Most certainly. Does it drive me crazy? Every day. Would I trade or give up any of it? Never.
                            “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”


                              I'm inclined to say yes, that it is worth it, even if it is one hell of an emotional rollercoaster ride (like it has been for me lately).

