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Confused? :/

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    Confused? :/

    Soo me and my SO have been together for 2 years and 7 months now. We've met in person only once and we plan to see each other again in December.
    We really really love each other and all but sometimes he just i don't know constantly reminds me of how im not there and how he wishes i was there.
    Sometimes he says he's depressed and wants to give up on life and i feel really bad because i wish i could be with him but i know i can't. (school.. etc)

    Yesterday we had a great conversation and it was going amazing. He was planning on getting his phone activated and i was excited because we were finally going to text. Turns out, he can't activate the phone because of the company and all that and now he's being all depressed with me. It makes me really sad and hopeless. And he kept telling me how lonely he feels and how i am like a ghost to him and how life is worth living if im not there. Yet at the same time he would tell me how much he loved me and that he wanted to marry me. I don't know how i feel at this point. It hurts me just as much as it hurts him. It doesn't seem like a big deal but i just hate when he starts talking about us and how we aren't physically together.

    All i really want is some advice on how to go on with my day tomorrow and now? And i really feel alone here. /:

    Its my first post and i really wanted to write this so if something like this is posted already or if this is pointless.. I just felt like venting out. :|

    Nothing is ever pointless if it's how you feel.

    Have you talked to him about how you feel when he continuously tells you how much he misses you when you're not there? It sounds like he needs to work out some things on his own, too.

    I'd say send him a sweet message telling him you're thinking of him, and that you love him, and just leave it alone. No need in pressing something into the ground that won't change right now.

    Hang on, it's only a few more months.


      December isn't far away, keep the faith going Send your SO emails about how much he means to you, how much you love him, how much you care about him, how you feel about him and the way he makes you feel. Tell him you need him to keep strong and do what you can to be there for him as often as possible. Chat to him about what's bothering him, and how it's bothering you. Communication is key in an LDR, and you might find talking things through with him might help.

      Before you know it, you'll be able to see him Hang in there!

