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Musical differences

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    Basically our main difference is that I love music so much that I can't live without it, and he thinks music is ok... (just ok?!?!?! lol)


      I was a punk/goth for years and years (I'm 40:-P) and I still listen to a lot of old school punk from the 80's. My boyfriend listens to a lot of the same old punk bands even though he has always looked completely normal because his older brother was/is a punker. I always tease my boyfriend about listening to Coldplay cause he actually flew to New York from the UK one time to see them.LOL


        Generally speaking our tastes are pretty different, but we do meet in the middle with some genres. For the most part he likes hard rock type stuff whereas I'm more of an R&B and indie/alternative kind of girl; there's a fair amount of old-time and classical music which we'll both happily listen to though!


          i love rock and guitars. anything with about 3+ electric guitars and cymbals is heaven.

          however... he prefers to listen to church music. now i dont mind, its church and its what we believe in, but he will go on skype and say "LISTEN TO THIS THIS IS AN AMAZING PIECE OF MUSIC!!"
          *5 mins of pretending to be obsessed with the choir music commences*


            We're kinda into different subgenres within a genre lol! I tend to like all kinds of music, it depends on my mood (e.g. depends if I'm going out dancing or just doing some work) but the music I tend to listen to most is within the "Rock/alternitive genre" I guess... like Fall out boy, green day, blink 182, enter shikari, panic at the disco, you me at six etc

            He on the other hand likes metal like iron maiden, lamb of god and gojira. He doesnt really like listening to my stuff, but he listens to music less than me anyway :P

            Music and Food are 2 things it seems we will never agree on :P haha
            Si tu n'etais pas la
            Comment pourrais-je vivre
            Je ne connaitrais pas
            Ce bonheur qui m'enivre
            Quand je suis dans tes bras
            Mon coeur joyeux se livre
            Comment pourrais-je vivre
            Si tu n'etais pas la

            Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free.
            Home could be anywhere when I am holding you



              One of the main things JP and I first bonded on was music. Also, memes. We both are rabid Radiohead fans, and in general we both love the 90's alternative rock from my childhood and his teenage years, like The Smashing Pumpkins and dEUS. Besides that, our music tastes both tend to lean towards the indie--The Arcade Fire, Sparklehorse, Gregory and the Hawk--although my taste tends to be much folkier than his does and he definitely does not share my love of cheesy synthy dance-pop


                He likes Chicano rap & I used to ... but now I listen to Christian music & oldies ...
                I love Chicano rap love jams


                  I think I like a much wider variety of music than Chris haha. He likes mainly hardcore and I like anything from hardcore, to pop, to country.


                    I pretty much listen to what my parents grew up listening to (60's-80's music), but I also like a lot of modern music like country, r&b, top 40 stuff. I have pretty broad taste. He listens to a lot of alternative music and rap.

                    We can listen to most of each other's music happily.


                      What can I say about our music tastes??? Mine is all over the place... I can go from 60s to r&b to punk to country to Mexican regional to cheesy love songs to hip hop and the list goes on and on... He likes drum and bass, radiohead, dub step, and indie music, plus blues, jazz and totally loves Neil Young while I didn't even know he existed :P

                      “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


                        I was going to make a thread about this someday!

                        Main difference is he likes a lot of underground stuff and mexican rock of our times. He likes Folk metal too and jazz. I'm into gothic metal genres, opera and classical. As well as a little new age even... he is glad when I talk to him about opera because he likes it too, and he actually got into classical singing classes recently!

