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Brand new to the LDR world!

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    Brand new to the LDR world!

    So Jay and I haven't been talking long but there's a deeper connection than what meet the eye. He's little over 300miles away from me and as much as it sucks to not get to see him. I know right now its best for us both right? I mean we have had some pretty rough relationships in the past and need to work on ourselves and learn to trust again and we are willing to wait for eachother. But the things he says like JAY;"Have a good night babe I'll see if and when I can text you okay ME; Have a good night too love JAY;you too beautiful love xoxo I can't help but melt. He constantly tells me Im beautiful etc. It's such a great feeling. Tomorrow I am going to print off pictures that I edited of Us, and of our Kids to print off and mail to him. We have agreed to the "love letter exchange" We have also agreed to take things slow one day at a time. We both have agreed that in a year we'll see where things end up. Has anyone ever set a time limit on when they'd physically live together? or have you all just had circumstances that made you have to wait?

    He asked me lastnight after a 6 hour converation of asking questions etc, when I'd like to meet him in person. I must say I really dont know how to answer it I told him "we'll know when the time is right" but Im still alittle set back by it all. I have had a really rough year and I know that only good things can come out of this if I left go of some of the things in my past that are holding me back. But does anyone have any advice on how long someone should wait to meet physically?

    Anyways enough of my ramblings lol!

    I met my SO after couples emails, about a month after we know each other in a dating site. He went to my country for business trip, and I went to Bali and had wonderful day with him. But we was met as friend, and he told me about his feeling 2 months after that.
    I think the right time to meet is when you're ready, faster is better!


      Me and my SO didn't meet till 2 years after we got together. But not by choice! That was just when he was finally able to come see me. Were both young and it costs alot to come from the U.K to the U.S and visa-versa. If we could have, we would have met alot sooner. I would say it depends on how you feel. He would come to you? Set up a date, have him get a hotel or somewhere he can stay and if your nervous bring a family member or friend and meet in a public place. I don't think theres any right or wrong time to meet. Depends on the people, there feelings, and the situation.
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        Its not so much about being nervous. I have 3 children to worry about. I dont wanna rush things but I know in my heart our connection is worth fighting for. He makes me feel like no other person has ever made me feel and I want to keep that alive. That's why I joined this site so I knew I wouldn't be alone. He's gone for the night to pick up a race car and we aren't able to talk, he's sent me one txt msg and it made my heart skip a beat. I miss him so much and I havent even physically met him yet its almost insane haha. But I've vowed to myself to take things slow that neither of us get hurt. I just need to talk to him alittle bit more then set a date. Thinking that closer to the New Year would be a good idea, that will give us time to talk and get to know one another as well as we can before meeting physically IDK we'll see how things go :P Thanks for your input tho I apreciate it big time


          My SO and I were chatting online for 9 months before I flew to Toronto to meet him. Like you, I'd never felt anything like it fact, and I know people disagree with this, but we both thought we'd fallen in love the very first night we met in an online game. And considering that we're still together, 2 years and more than 8 months (and a few breakups) later, obviously we weren't entirely off our rockers.

          That being said, I strongly encourage you to take it slow. The very fact that you're here, asking this question, indicates that you're feeling common-sense reservations. Continue talking and getting to know each other, and I completely agree: You'll know when the time is right.

          Good luck!


            Jay and I have a deep connection that's forsure. He's a older than me and has his sh*t together so to speak unlike my past relationships. I am so willing to make this work I fell myself falling alittle more each time we talk. He accepts me as a package deal with my 3 kids and not very many guys would consider doing such a thing that makes me look at him in a totally different light. The only reason I have any doubt is beacuse Im afraid of being hurt again. I know its not his intentions but anything can happen. So I am taking it slow one day at a time for sure. I just can't wait to meet him and know if its for real what we both feel for eachother though the phone/net/txt/emailing Ill be sure to keep ya updated on our progress and when the "date" is set thanks for your input


              My SO and I were in some ways in the same position. Not that we hadnt met but that being distant for awhile was the best thing for us. 9 months later it doesnt feel that way but that is where we are. ANYWAY, I mean some things take time and it is better to feel that it is the right time instead of feeling like things are awkward. I can only comment on the LD being the best thing in the beginning. I know my SO long before we dated. But everyone is different and it is better to wait it out (in my opinion) than to go when you are not ready. And if he is worth it then he will wait for you
              Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

              I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                I've been with my SO for almost a year, and we haven't been able to see each other yet. Won't be able to for at least another 3 years given current circumstances :/ The sooner you can see your SO, the better. It makes such a difference.

