He calls me the usual pet names: baby, babe, sweetie, etc. His unique pet name for me is kitten as an inside, personal joke type of thing. Haha. I don't really have a special pet name for him. I use the usual: babe, baby, dear, boo. Nothing special.
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Nicknames! xD Can be cute, funny or downright silly!
I normally call him Moose or Moosey because he is Canadian and everytime i think 'Canada' i think of mooses XD He calles me Cupcake or SweetheartWe dont like the whole 'babe' or 'baby' thing. We also call eachother Gayface, just because we like to mess around >.<
We come up with silly ones all the time but we also use the conventional babe, or baby. Since I'm colombian i call him papi and he calls me mami but also other things such as mi vida [my life], mi cielo [my heaven], and of course mi amor [my love]. I've been teaching him spanish lol. He started calling me peaches and cupcake because I have a rather large backside >.< [it looks like a peach and he calls it cakey lmao] but my favorite thing to call him is my cuppycake. We have tons of other randoms that come out when the mood strikes, but those are our mains.
Wayyyy too many to list. All the typical relationship nicknames in both English and Spanish apply. I also call him my Brownie Husband (SNL skit) and lately sucre roux which is "brown sugar" in French (although it literally means red sugar... go figure). I think my favorites from him are baby cakes (which is rare) and mama/mamacita or mami =3.
My SO calls me Punkin because it's what I used to call pumpkins when I was a little kid and he thought it was funny. It used to annoy me, but it grew on me. I didn't have a nickname for him and one day he was talking about how awful some pet names are. I asked him what constituted horrible and he said "I don't know. Something like schnoogiewoogums." I thought it was horrible so naturally I started calling him Schnoogie as a joke and it stuck. Yes, we're well aware we are strangeMy mother says we're saving two other people. Haha!
he and I have all the traditional names, babe, cutie, love, blah blah, but I think most often he calls me "gorgeous." it never gets old and I love it.
the only unique nickname that I can think of that I have for him is "big stinky." ahaha. it started off with me calling him "my big" and he calls me "my small" but one night he kept farting (ahaha I'm sorry everyone) so I called him "my big stinky" and he got all mad so now I just call him that sometimes to annoy him. his reaction is cute. :P