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Such a sad, strange day...

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    Such a sad, strange day...

    Well, I woke up this morning thinking things were going to be pretty much the same as usual for Chris and I. How far from the truth I was...

    I guess you could say we're on a break right now :/

    When we started talking as usual, I began to notice something was bothering him. Quite a lot. I started to get nervous. I didn't have to wait long to find out what was bothering him.

    It's the lack of physical touch again. It's REALLY getting him down. Like I've never known it to. He said he can't concentrate properly in his classes because of it, and he knows that if his grades falter there's no chance of him ever being able to come over to see me and be with me in the future. He said he feels depressed all the time, even though I've been helping him immensely. I couldn't believe it and my heart was starting to ache, with the longing, with the pain I've been feeling over the past week, with the sadness. I could feel his pain. It's a strange thing to say I know, but we're so in tune with each other we actually can almost feel how we both feel. If he feels pain, I do too.

    He told me that it was because he'd been hugged by a girl buddy of his. It had brought into perspective how bad he craved my touch and my physical touch. Thing is, he's gone with a lack of physical touch pretty much all his life. His parents never hug him. They never kiss him to show affection. So, I can understand how he feels. They've never shown any the whole time I've known him, and even before that they never showed him affection. I've been suffering from the lack of his physical touch too, but I guess I'm just a little better at coping with it. My parents are quite affectionate: I've been hugged and kissed many a time. I guess that's why. Everyone deals with these things differently. It kills me to know how alone the lack of affection has made him feel. I've done everything I can, but I guess I didn't do enough.

    The other problem is that the girl Chris is friends with also offered him a different perspective. She's been in a few long distance relationships in the past and none of them have ever worked out, so she has much the same opinion I used to have until I met Chris. She doesn't think they ever work out, and as a result she told her opinion to Chris and it made his suffering even worse. I think she's been enjoying her hugs with Chris a little too much, and she's begun to like him. He only thinks of her as a friend though. I don't begrudge their friendship, what I do begrudge her is what she's done. LDRs CAN work, and although that's her opinion, she shouldn't have told Chris because it just made things worse and made him feel like crap. I've told him I think she just said what she said to get him to break up with me, but we both don't know for sure. Me and my suspicion sometimes I swear...But I'm not always wrong. Chris said that if she tried to make a move in the next few weeks, whilst he's still hurting by admitting his weaknesses to me and how he feels, then he wouldn't like it and they wouldn't be friends anymore.

    Things haven't really changed between us. We're still going to keep in touch on the same basis as before. Unlike in most breaks where communication is broken, we couldn't actually bear that because we need to talk to each other on a daily basis. We're not going to lose contact. We're still exceptionally close, he still calls me everything he did before as do I to him, we still say I love you and we kiss. Only thing we're not doing is know. And calling each other girlfriend and boyfriend. Right now.....I guess you could say we're best friends who love each other, but technically not together. Our love for one another is still exceptionally strong, and we're still VERY committed. I know a lot of people will not understand why we're doing it this way, but letting go completely for both of us is COMPLETELY out the question.

    We both agreed on it, even though it killed us both to admit it would probably be the best thing to do for now. We're doing it to see if it works, and we've agreed that we're going to date if someone know....approaches us or whatever, has interest in us. We just want each other to be happy, but we're actually still committed to what we originally planned to do. We're still committed to each other. We're hoping this will help ease the pain. We're not sure, but you have to take a plunge sometimes and just hope for the best.

    He told me that no matter what, no matter what happens, he still loves me and will always do and that I still hold his heart. I told him the same. Because it's the TRUTH. He saved me from depression. I saved his life when we met, because he was even worse off than I was when we met. Well it breaks my heart to see us both so upset because he really does love me. He loves me more than he ever has done anyone else and he's never broken my heart before. Not even now. And I love him him like that too, we both know it and that the feelings are what we both feel. There is no uncertainty about it.

    I don't like breaks. But if Chris wants one, that's what will happen, and I actually agree with him. Maybe it'll help. I asked him how badly does he feel committed to me. "Very badly," he replied. "How badly do you love me?" "Very badly," he replied again before he sent me a little kiss. "I will always love you no matter what. You'll always be my baby girl." His exact words. I trust and believe Chris with my life, so I know he isn't lying when he says that. I told him the same. And he knows I'm not lying. He even said to me "I've never connected to someone as much as I have you."

    It's just going to have to be a waiting game for the time being until we can meet. I've told him if he doesn't have the funds to come see me when the time is right, I'll pay for his ticket. He agreed to it, but that was only if he could come.

    In this case, love is what has driven us to do this. We've not broken up, just reverted to being best friends until the time is right. We've not only been boyfriend and girlfriend, we've been best friends too. Right from the beginning. We still want a future together, we still want to be together. Hopefully, this will be the way forward. I have no doubts in Chris. He has no doubts in me. I know he's the one I want to be with. He is the same way with me. He is my soulmate, I am his. And I know I'm not being foolish or wasting my time.

    I'll wait however long I have to because I love him with all my heart and he does me too.

    Thank you for reading. Sorry it was so long. I just had to vent because I'm still upset and my heart is aching.

    *hugs* I'm sorry, I know this couldn't have been easy for either one of you.


      I'm sorry. I hope it'll work out for you guys in the future.


        Thanks guys. I hope so too.


          -hugs- I hope things will work out with you two it sounds like you both love each other very much
          " There is always hope.


            I sorta know how you feel and it's hard to cope with but you can do it. Try and focus on the positives, he's still in your life,you still love each other. This is just a hiccup, you'll make it through.
            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


              Honey I'm so sorry Give it time and see what happens. If it's truly meant to be then nothing, and nobody will keep you two apart. I'm around if you need to talk.

              {{ hugs }}
              Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
              Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
              Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


              You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
              Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

              Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
              Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                I'm so sorry this is happening to you! breaks suck. I hope the both of you work things out..from your posts before it sounds like the two of you have a lot of love. *hugs*


                  I think you're both very strong, and I really hope this does make it easier.
                  I do have to say though that dating other people while still being commited to a future together isn't the best idea - mostly because it's not fair to that other person. If you want to have some hook-ups more power to you, but don't go leading someone on when your heart is somewhere else. It's not easy to watch the person you love date other people too. I know in my own relationship it created quite a bit of resentment
                  Anyway, goodluck! It's just a bump in the road, I'm sure you'll make it through.
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    Yea I'm sorry too. It is ridiculous when other people who have been in LDRs put others down. They do work, just not for everyone. If it is meant to be things will work out. Much love from all of us!
                    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                      *hugs* I'm really sorry. I can tell you're going through a really hard time right now, what with the illness and all the heartache. Uncertainty is especially hard to deal with. I really hope you work it out soon.

                      Have to say I never understood breaks. We're either together or we're not. I can understand if one person wants to take some time for themselves to think things through etc. But I would expect him to keep up with exclusivity until we're officially over, and viceversa of course. Anything else would just be wrong IMO.

                      When you say you both agreed to date other people, was it really a mutual decision? Are you really OK with the idea of him having sex with someone else while he's with you? Do you want to hook up with someone else while you're still committed?

                      If you do, that's OK, but if you don't then I would really advise you to talk to him and be clear about your boundaries. This is the sort of thing that could tear you guys apart later on. I understand you sympathise with him and care about him a lot. But you must not compromise on what you believe in for the sake of his comfort. It's essential not only for your own well being but also for your future together. Because believe me, these things do come back at you.

                      I wish you all the best xx

                      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                        I'm sorry
                        I'm kinda going through the same thing right now.
                        I hope you guys can work it out and both be happy with your final decisions.


                          This all really sucks to hear, but I do have to say that for your age, you are dealing with this better than most people would. You are being very mature and rational. I hope things get better for the two of you.
                          candi ❤ austin
                          ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
                          ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
                          ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
                          ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


                            Originally posted by Malaga View Post
                            *hugs* I'm really sorry. I can tell you're going through a really hard time right now, what with the illness and all the heartache. Uncertainty is especially hard to deal with. I really hope you work it out soon.

                            Have to say I never understood breaks. We're either together or we're not. I can understand if one person wants to take some time for themselves to think things through etc. But I would expect him to keep up with exclusivity until we're officially over, and viceversa of course. Anything else would just be wrong IMO.

                            When you say you both agreed to date other people, was it really a mutual decision? Are you really OK with the idea of him having sex with someone else while he's with you? Do you want to hook up with someone else while you're still committed?

                            If you do, that's OK, but if you don't then I would really advise you to talk to him and be clear about your boundaries. This is the sort of thing that could tear you guys apart later on. I understand you sympathise with him and care about him a lot. But you must not compromise on what you believe in for the sake of his comfort. It's essential not only for your own well being but also for your future together. Because believe me, these things do come back at you.

                            I wish you all the best xx
                            I don't understand breaks myself, but we agreed it might be best. We sort of discussed it this morning, I mean I want him back. Badly. But I refuse to be selfish and ask him when I know it would really hurt him. The only borderline we've agreed on is that we'll not give each other away to someone else in that sense for two reasons. One, we want each other to be the one who we give each other away to if you get me. And two, he's only 16. I'm only 18. Call me old fashioned, but preserving my virginity and giving it to the person who I really love is a big thing for me. I don't want to give it to just anyone, not only because I'd regret it for the rest of my life, but also because I'd hate the stigma I'd get with that.

                            As for hooking up with someone else, if someone else SHOULD come along, then I don't honestly know. Right now, my heart's aching badly enough and I don't want the weight of a relationship with anyone else. I don't like the idea. It would just make me feel even worse than I already do.

