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Don't know what to do next...

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    Don't know what to do next...

    We finally had our first fight, can't say I was looking forward to it, but I knew one would happen eventually. We live about an hour and a half apart, till he goes back to school and lives about 13 hours away. I know that people may not think that we are considered LDR, but he was suppose to already be gone to school, but took the semester off so that we would have the same school break.
    Just a quick summary; he fractured his tailbone and has been in a lot of pain, I have been there to support him, but the last time I had seen him I wanted to cuddle and make things better, and joked that maybe hooking up would make him feel better (but it was meant as a joke). He got upset with me, and we made up. A few days after, we were talking and I asked if we were going to get together since I was starting a full time job overnights and would not be able to see or talk to him much until mid-november. He told me he was in too much pain, and he couldn't get out of bed. I got upset, but he thought I was upset because he couldn't see me, I tried to explain myself, and he just stopped texting back.
    We didn't talk for 4 days, until I got an email from him saying that he was really hurt, but he still loves me and wants to work everything out. I emailed him back apologizing and saying that I didn't intend to hurt him.
    He texted me the next day, and we talked about what we were going to do on our next date, and everything was normal. I told him that I had to go back to sleep (as I had gotten off work and not gotten to sleep yet), and he said go rest babe, you need your sleep, i'll ttyl.
    And that is pretty much the last time that I have talked to him for the last 3 days, even though I have sent him texts, I only get a few words out of him and then he has to go. I asked him last night if I had done something wrong and if he was mad at me. He said "no to both questions". So I assume that we are okay, but why is he still being distant?
    Should I just give him distance until he contacts me?
    I really miss him, and it's killing me not to just call him, but I think it would kill me even more if I pushed him away...

    I'm a big believer in giving space if someone is upset, but it's sort of unfair to expect space if nothing has happened. Maybe he's moody, maybe he's upset, maybe he's preoccupied with something outside of your relationship. No matter what it is, he should let you know, as there's been an obvious shift in his desire to communicate with you.

    I'd send him an email directly asking what's going on, and asking what he needs. Tell him you need to know what's going on so you're not left hanging wondering if you've upset him or if you should let him be for a few days. If he needs space, you can give it, but it's only fair to know where you stand. Send the email, and then... give him space. Again, I don't think it's really fair on you for him to be doing this, but there could be an explanation for his behaviour, so give him a chance to talk to you about it.

    And if it's something you said? Well, he seems easily hurt and quick to misunderstand. The only way to get over those sorts of reactions is to talk about it. He shouldn't play games every time he's hurt, especially if he's misunderstanding your intent. Things just fester that way.


      Thanks Minerva for your advice, I'm going to give it another day, since he might just be busy for the Thanksgiving weekend.

