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So much for a comfort words....

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    Originally posted by Leigh View Post
    I know how you feel. I'm sorry that happened to your cat. I had my dog killed by a pit bull and she was at home. So don't feel bad. Some people who never had a pet don't understand.
    Oh my!! that's just as worse as mine... sorry about your dog yes i guess he can't understand this, because its also shocking for me (it really broke my heart and plus seeing my mom and sister crying like that without ability to do anything about it)

    Thanks for sharing this tho *hugs*

    ---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------

    Originally posted by LeilaniJoi View Post
    Some people don't understand the bond with a pet and then there are others that just aren't comfortable handling something like this. They truthfully don't know what to say to make it right, so they don't say much at all. I lost my baby, my big old black Sham cat, to a dog too and omg, I cried for weeks afterwards. My husband at the time just didn't get it.. he knew I was hurting but couldn't "fix" it so he just stayed silent mostly and let me grieve. When I lost my dog this summer, the only animal I'd been able to get close to since Sham really outside of my horses, same thing... my SO just kind of stayed quiet about it and let me grieve.

    Maybe your SO just feels kind of helpless and doesn't really know what to say because nothing he says is going to really be enough to make things better and that is his way of dealing with your hurting?
    I broke my heart so many time because pets.. and usually heals soon because my family not really bond to the cat before this one... but this one, he touch so many hearts that my mom.. whos not a cat lover cry for 4 days (i know some might say silly) but.. yeah anyway... it just add the sadness... when you feel sad you know you could get through it.. but seing others being sad and you can't do anything about it except act that you are tough its double hard time!

    Thanks for the story... ohh i feel better.. *hugs*

    ---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 AM ----------

    Originally posted by Lissy View Post
    I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your loss. Losing pets is so difficult, especially in such an unexpected way. I've had pets of mine pass away in unpleasant ways, and it can be very traumatic. People who don't have pets might not understand that they're a part of your family, like your children, and that you love them dearly. I agree with what everyone else said about talking to your SO. I hope he can support and comfort you. *hug*
    *hugs* thanks..... it was.. for the whole family. And yes.. i think you all right that he doesn't know the feelings because he never bound to a pet before


      @ All...
      Thanks for the comments and oh wow... i cried again over your pets stories here it feel so sad.. just the same amount sadness as when you loose the real human/people that you love.. thank you.. i feel better (even soaked in tears again hahahaha) i love you all guys... and i am happy that i am nit just being melancholy or being irrational or over reacting for my loss...

      I got an offline msg from him, another short one said, he got his nose bleed and he can't make it to Stuttgart. I was panicking, he is a very healthy guy, and very careful-can't be an accident where you bleed you nose. I send him a very long mail about health, without thinking about my shut up action. I was just worried.

      We talk again last night, well more to i talk a lot to him, i just non stop talking about a good bed rest, and not in front of computer while he's on days off/weekends. He admit it, he was too tired just going there to Stuttgart took 2 hours travel..... and he didn't get much sleep and he say sorry again... and i just ... forgive him. He just a guy who can't express a lot of things.

      ... i loose my cat... but it beyond heart break if i loose this guy because i love him so

      case close i guess... thank you so very much... *hugs* i love you all here!!

