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Nervous About Meeting His Friends for the First Time/Other Issues

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    Nervous About Meeting His Friends for the First Time/Other Issues

    Well, my boyfriend and I have had many visits with him coming here for the last 6 months, but in about a week I'll be going on my first visit to Texas, where he's from. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. Firstly, I'm afraid I won't like Texas. I'm not going into it with that mindset, I'm thinking I'm going to love it, but what if I don't and he expects me to move there?

    More importantly, I'm TERRIFIED of meeting his friends. I'm afraid they are going to judge me for being over weight. I'm scared I'm going to have nothing in common with them. I tried talking to my boyfriend about this and he said not to worry about it - we all play fantasy football together and have other things in common. So I sat around and thought about and was able to push my fears aside until I realized in fantasy football, they all trash talk each other but nobody ever says a word to me. I know it must be weird for them, because they don't know who I am, but still, it kind of hurt my feelings.

    I know I'll just go in and be as friendly as I can possibly be. My boyfriend says they always ask about me, want to see pictures and what not ... I've never taken him 'away' from his friends and encourage him to spend as much time with them as possible ...

    I'm just so scared because he's so close with his friends, I know if they don't like me it's going to be a big deal.

    You'll be as charming as ever and they'll love you! Try not to worry too much.


      You're beautiful! Don't worry at all about what they are going to think about you. If they can see how much your SO loves you then they to will like you. I remember being nervous the first time meeting my SOs friends as well, I built it up so much and when I actually met them it was nothing compared to what I imagined. Relax, you will be just fine!


        Don't worry yourself to death about it I don't suppose there's a way your SO could introduce you beforehand is there? Maybe through webcam or over Skype? I met Chris's friends whilst playing xbox live with them. We all started talking to each other and although I was extremely nervous at first, I eventually got used to them. If you could somehow talk to a couple of his friends before you go, you might actually feel more comfortable.

        Just take a deep breath. You'll be fine!


          It's just so intimidating to me. They are thick as thieves.
          I do hope that they like me and 'approve' of me. I know that they all know how much my boyfriend cares for me. I know his work friends are all excited about meeting me, but he hasn't said anything about his friends he's had forever. I'm just really terrified they are going to think I'm trying to take him away from their group of friends - which I'm not and never have been.

          I know you guys are right, in the end it'll be fine and they will like me, but I can't get over this anxiety right now. I feel like at least I know everyone's names already, hopefully I won't mess up and call someone the wrong name.

          ---------- Post added at 09:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------

          Originally posted by HollzHeartsChris View Post
          Don't worry yourself to death about it I don't suppose there's a way your SO could introduce you beforehand is there? Maybe through webcam or over Skype? I met Chris's friends whilst playing xbox live with them. We all started talking to each other and although I was extremely nervous at first, I eventually got used to them. If you could somehow talk to a couple of his friends before you go, you might actually feel more comfortable.

          Just take a deep breath. You'll be fine!
          Not really. His computer can't handle Skype.
          But we all do play fantasy football together in the same league. However, like I said, nobody talks to me. I know they know who I am but in my matchups so far nobody has 'trash talked' me or said anything to me. So that's kinda disheartening.


            I had the same worries before meeting my SO's friends for the first time. I worried about not being able to understand them, that I wouldn't be pretty enough and that they just wouldn't like me. Well, I worried for nothing. They're a really nice bunch of people and they always include me in conversations - they even invite me to parties when I'm in the country. I'm also friends with all of them on Facebook. I'm really glad it all went so smoothly.


              It'll be fine and they'll love you

              If they were dickheads, they wouldn't be your boyfriend's friends, would they?
              I was scared about that too. My boyfriend has known most of his friends since primary school so I felt weird being "the new one" and a foreigner at that (plus their language is not my first).
              It's ok to be nervous. I bet they're excited, too. Just be normal. Be interested, ask questions and you'll be grand.
              Have fun!

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                I had the same worries before meeting my SO's friends for the first time. I worried about not being able to understand them, that I wouldn't be pretty enough and that they just wouldn't like me. Well, I worried for nothing. They're a really nice bunch of people and they always include me in conversations - they even invite me to parties when I'm in the country. I'm also friends with all of them on Facebook. I'm really glad it all went so smoothly.
                I really hope it goes this way for me as well. I've talked to my boyfriends best friend's girlfriend on the phone and she was very friendly and my boyfriend says she can't wait to meet me, so that should be good.

                I just know the difference between them and I is huge. We have different political views, I come from an area that is so much different than where he's from ... I'm not that into sports. I can't help but feel like I'm being thrown into a den of wolves. I wish they talked to me in our fantasy football league so I could feel more comfortable.

                The other thing that worries me is that if I get too anxious I get super shy. Maybe if I bring a case of beer they'll all love me? I really wish I didn't have this anxiety about the whole thing.


                  Don't overthink it!! Even though they have different political opinions and different backgrounds, you can still definitely get along A lot of my SO's friends are super conservative and very affluent (one of them apparently has a private island and a helicopter...) but we all still get along very well! We just tend to avoid topics we don't agree on, or occasionally we'll have light debates about it.
                  Bringing a case of beer doesn't sound like a bad idea At least it'd be a nice opener for people to thank you and all!!

                  But really, I think you'll be more than alright! I'm sure they'll adore you!

                  Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                  Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                  Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                    Just be yourself. I like you and I don't like people. I think the beer's a good idea though. You can't help but love someone bringing beer.


                      Originally posted by Mara View Post
                      Just be yourself. I like you and I don't like people. I think the beer's a good idea though. You can't help but love someone bringing beer.
                      LOL thanks!
                      And I think bringing some beer is a good idea, especially given that they live in Texas.


                        Anyone who brings me a case a beer is MY friend Just sayin...


                          People gifting me beer = AWESOME PEOPLE

                          You'll do fine. This is something we all go through; I get worried when I think about how someday I'll be meeting his friends and family, and my SO is nervous about meeting my brood in November. Just smile and laugh and bring beer, and they won't care if you don't talk much or call someone else by the wrong name. And hey, we all do that too. =)

