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My (long) Story. Warning: contains nerdy gamer talk.

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    My (long) Story. Warning: contains nerdy gamer talk.

    Hi there! I'm very new and I wanted to start things off by posting a story about how my SO and I met, and eventually ended the distance in our LDR.

    How we met:

    That's right nerds, we met through World of Warcraft. How is that possible, you may ask? It's such a weird story that we enjoy going over and over it together and giggling. Stars definitely had to align properly for it to happen.

    I was previously in a long distance relationship, and was at the time recently split up from a relationship which was proximal. Truthfully, I had given up on men and love. Not out of desperation or anger, but just a silent resolve to focus on other areas of my life and to disclude intimacy and romance. Things never quite work out for me in that department and I grew tired of consistently finding myself on the receiving end of mistreatment.

    And now for a little bit of a nerd interlude, I'll set up the scene. My ex was the GM of my World of Warcraft guild. A guild on Sargeras called Virulent which is now merged with the guild Origins. After we broke things off, I tried to hang around in that guild for awhile, I had been in it for upwards of 2 years. Things grew uncomfortable and it became pretty obvious that I needed to move on, that my presence was strange for anyone who was aware of the situation with my ex and I. So I became a “free agent” if you will. My gear was crappy, I had been out of the game for months dealing with personal issues, I really couldn't go anywhere in particular without calling in some favors and I definitely don't take hand-outs.

    So, I was invited to a guild on the Sargeras server named Raiding is Hard Perhaps you've heard of us? I was invited by an automated guild invite mod called RapeDotty.

    A random invite on my level 71 warrior, I quietly leveled in the guild befriending very few people, and rarely participating in guild chat. I didn't join on my main character, my shaman, because of some weird chick who hated me because I hung out a couple times with her boyfriend before they got together...sigh. Later, when she had a nervous breakdown and went crazy, she left and I joined.

    Let me give you a bit of history about the guild Raiding is Hard. They are 80% RapeDotty invites and 20% friends of friends. Their primary goal not have a primary goal? They consider themselves trolls, for the most part...people who strive to annoy sensitive people and entertain people with a similar sense of humor. We're not rude, we're silly...and very over the top. If we can find a button to push to offend you, we will. We are the island of misfit raiders

    That is the guild as a whole, as a member I rarely participate in the trolling festivities, though I do roll need on [Frozen Orb]s!

    Anywho, this guild is lead by none other than server-famous Paladindave. Paladindave is a nice, fun, intelligent guy who gets his rocks off spending large quantities of time convincing people he's a narcissistic b*stard who thinks the world revolves around him.

    Scratch that, he IS a narcissistic b*stard who thinks the world revolves around him, and he readily admits to that.

    He has this weird allure that attracts a lot of desperate women...and gay/curious/bi-sexual men.

    I am unsure as to what that allure actually IS, but it exists.

    I made it my mission to annoy Paladindave. Easy enough! Just...don't flirt with him. He hated that. He liked the female attention!

    Paladindave is a tank. The day the new ICC heroics came out, I ran them with some guildmates and a tank in the guild named Goldfist tanked for us.

    So, to annoy Paladindave, I developed a fake infatuation with Goldfist. I'd proclaim his amazing tanking prowess to anyone who would listen.

    I had no idea who this Goldfist person was, he rarely logged on, so I figured...what the hell.

    A day or so later I was bragging about Goldfist to Paladindave in a public vent channel with a few people in it turns out...Goldfist is actually an alt (alternate) character of Kathlynn, one of our resto druids.

    Um, how embarrassing, I've been talking some random guy up...and that random guy had been listening all along!

    I felt so silly and stupid that I just had to apologize.

    I had been a TOTAL internet creeper, so I sent him a message apologizing for being weird, that I didn't know it was him, I thought it was some random person who really never played.

    But, he was actually really cool with it. He'd enjoyed the attention, thought I was funny, that I sounded cute, etc.

    We started talking just before Christmas and got to know one another a bit. At Christmas time he went out of town to visit family.

    We used twitter to casually tweet back and forth, but I realized while he was gone that I really missed him being around to chat with.

    I guess he missed me too, because when he got back, we started talking up a STORM I tell you! Got to know one another really well.

    Something just *clicked* for us. It was like we had always known one another. We labeled ourselves the kids who, you know, sat in the back of the class and made fun of all the other kids (even though we were both A students in school). Our sense of humor is so dead-on similar that it is almost scary. And that is saying a lot, we're very unique people.

    On January 11th, 2010, we were helping a guildmate (oddly enough, Paladindave) through the undead side of Stratholme when Brandon asked me to be his girlfriend, to be exclusive and to make an honest attempt at dating in the real world.

    I immediately agreed, having had feelings for him already.

    Things sort of...went on from there.

    We met for the first time face-to-face on March 2nd, 2010 and spent 10 lovely days together.

    Even though we are keeping this relationship a secret from our guildmates, I can't help but say:

    <3 u Goldfist
    Last edited by Dazzles; April 20, 2010, 12:25 PM.

    Our first visit:

    I spent 10 days in Austin, although...I got IN around 11pm on the second, and left at noon-ish on the 11th, so really...8 days.

    They were pretty great days!

    The day I left I was really nervous. I fixed my hair and my make-up two or three times before giving up. I wore a cute red shirt with a black cami with white lace at the top, comfy jeans, and a black track jacket.

    We had already discussed what I should expect when arriving, that I'd be coming down a big escalator and he'd be waiting for me at the bottom.

    It seemed like the plane took forever, and I ended up having to wait at the airport for 2 hours before my take-off. Those 5 hours were killer. I was so nervous, my tummy hurt and I was pretty much a wreck. The flight was a LOT shorter than the ticket said it would be (by a half an hour). Thankfully, my sweet Brandon was just as anxious and nervous as I was, and he couldn't resist getting to the airport early anyhow.

    I remember getting off of the plane...I had this huge smile plastered on my face. I grabbed my small travel bag and sort of scurried off of the plane in a rush.

    I came to the top of the escalator, and I peeked over the edge and looked down, hoping to spot him before he spotted me. No such luck! The little meanie was hiding behind a huge pillar! I got halfway down the escalator before I spotted him. He, no doubt, spotted me first.

    He was adorable! Light blue t-shirt, skinny jeans, gray zip-front hoodie. He wears these glasses that are quite sexy in a nerdy Clark Kent sort of way.

    We were both nervous. Insanely nervous. We exchanged a few syllables, and I went in for a hug. The hug pulled apart and he leaned down to kiss me. It was a short and sweet kiss, and it fit the moment perfectly. I know him, and I know it took some courage to kiss me first thing like that...and I'll always love him for it. He pulled me in close and told me he loved me, and I said it back.

    Then, like a crazy person, I turned away from him and sort of...started wandering toward baggage claim. I was so nervous! I was babbling and being silly. I grabbed my big bag (which he carried, what a gentleman!) and we headed out to the car. We stopped for a few more kisses in the car, hehe!

    The drive to his place was great. He had to focus on the road, so I took my time studying him, playing with his hair and holding his hand. It was really magical. We made a few jokes, laughed a lot.

    His apartment is really nice, he's a super clean guy (a bachelor with a spotless bathroom..../drool). We changed into our jammies and cuddled up in bed to watch a movie. Zombieland of all things.

    And then something weird happened....we slept. For like 8 straight hours. I'm 26 years old and I haven't slept for 8 hours since I was 4. Little did I know this would be a trend over the next 9 nights. We both slept 8 or 9 straight hours every night. It was amazing.

    I woke up with him the next morning. We took a small trip to Austin's Mount Bonnell, it was beautiful. We took lots of pictures at the top, and a few videos together. I also, briefly, met his mother. Talk about NERVOUS! I didn't have on any make-up, we left in a hurry. She was super awesome, bubbly and chatty and made me feel at home. We went back home and spent more time cuddling. Being such a non-cuddly non-touchy-feely was really incredible to love every second I spent pressed against another person.

    Our second day was also great, I got to meet his grandmother and his father. They were such nice people and MAN his grandma can cook! She made us pot roast and mashed potatoes, and a variety of veggies. Dessert was cookies and brownies, yum! His grandma had a sweet southern accent, and his dad and I talked movies and music (if only some of his musical tastes would rub off on his son! /sigh).

    Throughout the rest of the week we saw a couple movies (The Crazies and Cop Out). We went to downtown Austin, which is beautiful. It's like a city, but not a city. I can't explain it any other way. We spent a day playing putt-putt..I DESTROYED HIM! Muahahaha! I also whipped his booty at pool. In his defense, he schooled me at air hockey and every arcade game we played including ski-ball, basketball shoot out, anything with guns, etc.

    I also got to watch him ride his bike and do a few cool tricks. It made me nervous to see him do those things, but it was also really freaking cool!

    I got to spend more quality time with his mother later in the week, and she's a totally awesome lady. I hope I look as young as she looks when I am her age, that is for sure. His step-dad is also a really cool person, too. He asked me a bunch of questions, and it was nice to see him be protective of his step-son.

    All in all, we spent most of our time cuddled and talking. It was an amazing trip. I really felt at home. In the end, I didn't want to leave. I wasn't relieved to get back to my life at all.

    I held it together pretty well. I got teary-eyed our last night together, but only for a couple of minutes.

    The day I left I woke up an hour or so before Brandon, I cried alone while I packed my things, wanting him to sleep. I cried a bit in the airport while he was there, but really lost it once he walked out.

    Security detained me to make sure I hadn't been assaulted before letting me pass through.

    One month later he asked me to move in with him, while we were both searching for apartments in different states. I said "What the heck." and I made that leap.

    We've lived together 2 days now.

    To keep up with our day to day lives check out:


      wow, great story. and I love that your first movie was zombieland. EPIC film that is! XD


        Me and mine haven't met yet, but we met on SWG. Yay MMOs! Haha. Except I was more of a social type, he was more PVP. Never did much PVP at all. Except my dad used to steal my computer and PVP with my toon. >.> Luckily that's not how we met, haha, but you can understand my reaction when people were like, "Hey, we grouped last night, want to go run yada yada PVP mission?" And I'm like, "Um, er. =P" </random>

        Also, booooooooooooooooo WoW! Hardcore EQ'er to the end, though I don't even play it anymore.


          Ahh, I met my guy through WoW as well! And haha, your story is so funny and sweet!
          Welcome to LFAD!


            Neat story

