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Things are better. :)

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    Things are better. :)

    I just thought I'd inform everyone that things with me and Robert are doing a little better, after us both feeling down and not wanting to talk he got offline. I sent him a heartfelt video explaining that I know things are hard especially when we fight and that I care about him and I feel we just need to communicate better when we have a problem.
    To my surprise He watched it lol

    Which I still dont think he watched the see you soon video I made him after he first moved lol. If he has he hasn't said anything to me. So I guess thats why I'm surprised lol

    But I waited for him to message me.... after a few minutes which felt like forever lol
    I finally messaged him.

    Me: Hey...

    Him: Hey what's up?

    Me: nm, did you see the video email I sent you?

    Him: Yeah.

    Me: so can things go back to being all better now?

    Him: Yeah, Hey I'm getting up early tomorrow, so ttyl tomorrow ?

    Me: aww poo I had stuff to tell you
    Well show
    meh anyway go ahead I'll tell you some other time

    Him: ok love you

    Me: Love you too honey have a nice night <3

    ( he got offline before the last message from me tho lol )

    Anyway... the waters are finally calm... Lets hope they can stay that way.
    " There is always hope.

    That is good news heres hoping it stays like that for the both of you!


      Good to hear that, I hope everything gonna be better

