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    Hey there. I need some advice.

    Me and my SO talk so very frequently on the phone (whatsapp). It's like we are chatting all day long. We tell each other about everything we are doing. And I don't think it's annoying, it's not.
    Sure, there sometimes is a gap of not replying of some hours, when we are busy. There is no need to apologize afterwards and we will just keep on.

    So you might wonder now why do I need an advice? I guess some of you may jealous me and don't understand BUT I feel like the romance gets lost in this everyday small talk. Like in the beginning of our relationship, when we used e-mail, I got a quite long mail everyday. In which he told me as well, about what he is doing, but also more about how he felt recently. He put all his love in these mails. We still do tell each other "Love u" "Miss u" but it's not the same. I guess I wanna go back to the beginning. How can I tell my bf without making him feel like I'm annoyed by talking that frequently?

    Thank you in advance

    honestly, just tell him that things just feel like they are getting routine. It is something that I think someone would get mad at. It is just a statement. Its not that you dont love the way things are. They are just... predictable. Tell him that. Tell him how lucky you are that you get to talk so much and that you never get tired of talking to him.

    I feel like this with my SO at times. You can try to learn new things about each other. like the 1000 questions to ask like michelle and frank talk about. You may know alot of the answers but as the ones you don't. That sparks the not so every day conversations. Read a magazine "together". I read some articles from COSMO to my SO and we make fun of them and stuff like that. Another suggestion is to just take day or so out of the week where you are limited to a few texts or nothing- if you can handle that. If the texts are short enough or you don't talk for a day then you will have a lot more to talk about when you do talk again. Just a suggestion
    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


      Bethypoo. I like your idea how to tell him. Very positively expressed. These are the words I've been looking for. Thanks!

      We already tried the question thing for some weeks. But as I always had to remember him to do it, it somehow withered on the vine. Maybe I should ask him whether he just forgot or didn't like it (it seemed he did like it).
      From time to time we watch movie "together", mostly funny ones. I love it. U should try.
      I like the idea to have a "day off" the most. It will make us look more forward to the next time we talk and have more things to talk. Actually I found out I'm pretty addicted to talk to him. Which is not always good. I should at least be able to deal with one day without talking right?
      When I read posts from people saying they didn't talk to their partner for some weeks, I was like wtf?! Unimaginable to me.

      By the way, the routine will be broken anyway soon. My SO will come in 13 days
      But I'm aware there will be times we need something to spark our love in the future, so thank you!

