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Not sure what to do about this..

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    Not sure what to do about this..

    I'm sure some of you have this problem, so I was wanting your opinions.

    Philip & I don't really have flexible schedules. It's a little difficult to see each other because of how our hours can be. He's more than likely more able to come down here than me go up there, but it frustrates me because I love his family & friends and I'd love to see them again. We both are working part time and we're trying to figure out what we're going to do about school and what not and it feels like it's going to be a challenge to see each other again. I already took my vacations for last year and this year and I'm afraid if I ask for more time off, I might get in trouble. I'm willing to take a risk, but I don't need to lose my job. Philip says he could just come down here for a while, but I don't want to be working while he's here and then have him stuck in my room all day while I'm at work. I don't think it's fair. I don't have a set schedule, so I can't just go during the weekend [I'd have to request it off] and he usually has the weekends off. Our schedules are definitely against us right now. We're currently looking for other jobs as well and I know that I can't just request time off when I start a new job. RAAH.

    I just dunno what to do at this point. I know we can probably work something out, I just dunno what as of yet.
    This is exactly how it should feel when it`s meant to be

    This is exactly how it should feel when it`s meant to be


      ughhhhh i hate it when schedules dont match,, ive not been in this exact situation .. i can see that no one has yet left any advice but hopefully someoen can help you ;/
      i hope things work out for you!


        If the only way you two can see each other when you are working, then I say that is better than nothing. If anything, it would give you a tiny taste of what it is like when you live together--although you would be working and he would just be chilling. Still, my boyfriend has worked quite a bit a couple of times when I have visited, but we still had fun! You could find things for him to do while you are at work. For example, I often stay with his mom's house and hang out with her. Sometimes, if I have homework I will do that as well Also, when he came to see me, he drove around town when I was at work. He would drop me off at work, go see a movie and go shopping, and then come pick me up. Then we would watch a movie at night when I got off

        Even though you both might not be in the best position with your schedules, you just have to make the best out of what you have!


          Yeah, I had to work during Ranes last visit, and it wasn't such a big deal. Unfortunately sometimes thats just how the visits have to go, since life doesn't care that we're in ldrs lol. If he says he can come down there, let him! I'm sure he can keep himself entertained while you're gone. It's sure better than not seeing each other, right?


            I agree, it's better than not seeing each other. (: I feel better about it, thanks everyone!
            This is exactly how it should feel when it`s meant to be


              My guy almost always comes to me. If I go there we would get two days together if that. When he comes to mine we get four because of how my schedule works. It kinda sucks, but the goods outweigh the bad


                I hope you can get the time off, or maybe you can try to work over time to make it up for a few days, or organize your schedule for some days and have like a friday off or something and then have a weekend with him or something. Best wishes girl!

