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Just need kind words

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    Just need kind words

    Im nervous to leave my so. The gap is once again going to be a gap and its depressing thinking about being alone without her!
    shes the most amazing woman ive ever met and i love her very much. WAHHHHHHHHHHH crys

    I know it sucks.... My SO & I have been LDR for over 9 years... our longest separation is 18months. We are now making plans to move in together and get married. We even lived together this past summer for 3 months. I can't even describe how hard it was to leave him after spending 3 months together. But we did it and we're still pulling through.

    The only solace I have is that the distance makes a strong relationship stronger and when you are finally together you will be less likely to take each other for granted as CDR couples often do.


      I'm the SO the OP is referring to. He's been here for 3 months and his flight leaves on monday. We don't know when we'ere going to see each other again :/


        I've been there before with my SO... Like I said, my SO & I have been apart for 18 months at a time... then 12 months... then 8 months...then 6....then 3...then we're seeing each other every month.

        Until 2008, we never knew when our next visit would be. It was very hard. We both did everything we could to stay busy in order to keep our minds off the separation.

        Just remember, that this isn't a permanent state... there will come a day when you'll be together again and the time passed will feel like nothing then.

        I'm here if you want to chat in the meantime though... just enjoy your last days together as much as possible!!!


          *hugs* to you both. Right now my SO and I have about 3 visits planned out (pending life staying out of our way), but past that, I have no idea when we'll be able to see each other. I can't imagine how hard it would be to part and not know when I'd see him next.

          Just trust that you will see each other again, and when you can, make those plans.

          In the mean time: *more hugs*


            My SO and I also spend 4 months together after being apart for the most of our relationship. It as hard the first 2 weeks. I mean i cried on the phone and felt so bad that he had to hear it. Then we fought over nothing, it was just fighting because we were made at the situation.

            Just work together. Don't say anything to harsh and that you don't mean and stay open with communication. Just keep looking forward and the distance wont hurt you to much. Good luck!
            Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

            I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


              aww im sorry, I know how hard it can be. My SO was here for 2 months, and it will be a total of 9 months since we next see each other, the distance sucks, but you know what your fighting for, and know that its so worth the wait. Stay strong and keep the communication open. Best of wishes!
              I love you Nathan <3
              5/25/09 <3

