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Can't do it

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    Can't do it

    I can't do it anymore. I can't keep saying goodbye. I can't keep getting yelled at by my parents for spending time with him...
    I don't know what to do.
    Should I end it? Should I transfer schools?

    I just want to dig a hole and hide in it for a while....

    I don't need comments. Just somewhere to exclaim what I'm feeling...

    What is the alternative?

    Just weigh up the pros and cons. If your SO is worth all the pain, then keep fighting. Find ways to be together ASAP. Transfer schools if you can. There is always a way somehow, even if it takes a long time. If it's not worth this (and sometimes, it's not worth it, and that is OKAY because LDRs are almost impossible a lot of the time) then consider ending it. But yeah. Weigh up the pros and cons.

    Good luck. <3


      DON'T END IT!
      You will regret it!, if you really love him then don't end it!

      A relationship is never perfect, they have bumpy roads.... Just keep going and you will have a Nice road with your SO soon....
      I promise you, if you keep on going, it will get better...


        I wouldn't end it. I'm in a pretty tight, sticky situation myself in my LDR and it's complex too. I've weighed up the pros and cons and I'm going to see this to the end because the alternative is too painful. I understand how you feel, OP. But if you love your SO then you'll keep fighting to the end. In my opinion what you love and believe in is always worth fighting for.

        Don't give up hope You can do this. Keep your chin up. If you weren't able to cope with this, you wouldn't be in an LDR in the first place. And if you ever need someone to talk to about what's concerning you, feel free to message me


          Here's the next question. Should I:
          A.) Go to his college and pursue my plan B = close distance sooner
          B.) Go to one of my dream colleges to pursue plan A = 5+ more years of long distance.

          And no, I can't pursue plan A at his school. They don't offer it.


            B! BBBBBBB! Your education lasts a lifetime, it's one thing nobody can ever take from you. You won't like hearing this but relationships come and go, and yours might last, but statistically speaking, it probably won't. Don't ever give up on a dream college and the career you have a passion for, because you'll almost definitely end up regretting it later. I know 5 years seems like a lot, but in the scheme of a lifetime, it's nothing. Right now, you need to make the best choices for your whole life, and what will make you happy and secure in the long run. Good luck!
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Definitely B. You have to put yourself first. Your education lasts a lifetime. I hate to say it but what if this relationship goes south? Then you'd be going down the wrong path and not pursuing your dream. I don't think it will but it's always something to consider.

              Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
              Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
              Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
              Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
              Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014

