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    I've only been in a LDR for a month but I cry constantly. I was so used to having my SO right up the street from me, but he had to move away for college and I'm still upset. He came home this weekend to celebrate our year and a half anniversary. But I just had to say goodbye to him and I couldn't help but cry. Is it okay to cry? Is it okay to still feel so empty when your SO is not around? I don't think I'll ever stop feeling that way.

    Its perfectly ok to cry. I'm pretty sure everyone in a LDR cries now and again. Its very hard at first but it will get easier



      We all cry. It's ok. But if you're feeling empty when he's not there and you're not coping well, try to focus on doing things for yourself. Do a hobby, read, hang with friends -- don't let your grief at missing him rule your life. You're going to miss him, you're going to be sad, you're going to cry; just try not to let those be the only things you are when you're not together.


        Its okay to cry, i think its even healthy at times. To just vent and let it out. LDRS are hard, anyone who says they arn't haven't been through it or have gotten to a point where there used to it. But even then everyone has hard times at one print or the other. But its about looking at the big picture and focusing on whats to come and when you will next be together.It does get better. Stay strong! Hope you feel better, and best of wishes to you and your SO.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          It's perfectly okay to cry! It's so much better than holding all of that emotion inside, because then it'll build up and explode at once. The emptiness never fully goes away, but it gets easier as time goes on. It's perfectly okay to feel all of those things! Trust me, it gets better. *hugs*

          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


            IŽm one of the lucky few who started long distance, and my deepest sympathies go out to you both!
            However, when my best friend who lived next door to me moved away to university, I also cried constantly for a while. I promise it gets better, but know that we are all here for you, and weŽll be here to help you get through it

            Much love to you! <3

            "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
            -Miguel De Cervantes

            Read our story HERE


              It's ok to cry, or at least I sure hope it is, because I do it an awful lot. You get used to the distance though, it becomes bearable and you get better at coping with it. Hang in there.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                I cry a lot, there's simply no way to avoid it. We also are LDR due to school and its tough. At least you have a definite endpoint. But yeah, I didn't cry half as much as I do now that we are LDR. Its a big change, it will get better


                  We started out LDR and have never been in the same room and its really hard. I would never say its harder then for couples that didn't start out LD because truth is they both suck! LOL. I try not to cry but its hard not too. Crying is a natural response to sadness and loneliness and when your in a LDR you are both. I don't think you should feel bad for crying. I agree with Minerva try to find something to focus on and remember that you won't be apart forever and the end result is well worth everything you will go through to get there. Stay strong. *hugs*

