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How do you vent?

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    How do you vent?

    So, we all know that for one reason or another, long distance is, to say the least, a bit of pest. If by pest, you mean gigantic, flying mega, laser-eye-beam-shooting rat with penchant for squishing the many signposts of normality that litter the otherwise, happy, sad, frail, awesome and pathetic lives cluttered about it's mutant form. But I digress. I want to presently telepathically fling my guy out of the window tonight. However, I am neither Jean Gray, or willing to commit a kind of Shakespeare-esque homicide nor 'there' in the whole process of sharing things outside of either my blog or personal journal and therefore I have a question to ask.

    When you are frustrated with your long distance relationship what do you do to vent?

    For me, personally, throwing down a verbal chokeslam or two in either of the aforementioned tomes seems to work. However, there are those times when I want to cuddle/love/Kill (.1 percent of the time I swear...) the sod and it just gets too much.

    What are your coping techniques?

    LFAD!!!!!! Honestly I come here and just get perspective. But i talk with my SO about it and then things just make sense. Nothing ever makes t easy though, just manageable.
    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


      Yep, LFAD for certain. Also, not proud to say, at my SO. I'm working on that.


        LFAD here as well. I have found it really useful and the people here are super supportive and kind. And sometimes I talk to my friends, depending on my issue.
        "Everyone smiles in the same language."


          Besides here, friends and family, and my personal blogs/journals, sometimes, I just need to be alone to process my emotions. Usually for an hour or so for me to gain some perspective. Running helps as well as does listening to my favorite music turned all the way up or eating some ice cream. Doesn't take much to put me in a better mood actually. Sometimes just telling my SO that the distance is getting to me helps loads as well.


            I come here and get other's opinions. The blog thing helps too. All the stuff i want to say to my boyfriend i put it there. That way I can read it over when I am not upset or angry and really think it over before i stick my foot in my mouth or say something i don't mean.


              I used to get out of the house and go hang out with my friends. I always have a wonderful time with them so it made me not miss my SO as much when I had them around. Also, I would go to the gym or do some other kind of exercise, that ALWAYS reduced my stress or sadness level immensely!


                Work out as damn much as I can until I collapse tomato colored and soaking wet on the gym floor. I guess all of that has made me quite fit over the past year(I went from 3 sets of 10 pushups to 3 sets of 20, and running 1 mile to running 9-10 miles a week). I'm none too happy about the injuries its caused, but I can't find any better way to let things out. I don't tend to seek help from anyone online or in person, I hate displaying any negative emotion, and I filter everything I say for bad/negativity. <_>


                  I do what some of the posters have stated and work my ass off at the gym.


                    I vent at my SO, because no matter what the problem is, even when it's with him he takes all my angry words with grace. He never holds them against me, or against other people I vent about. He keeps his judgement to himself and isn't swayed by my angry or inapropreate words. He knows that once I let it out we will both be better off.
                    Failing that I come here to whinge in my blog. Or rarely if it's really bad I'll write a letter never intended to be sent.
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

