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Just wanted you all to know...

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    Just wanted you all to know...

    My SO left yesterday. We're both still getting over our sadness and loneliness for each other, but we had such an amazing time. Saying hello again is worth the pain of saying goodbye. Telling you all how much it hurts to see your SO leave is preaching to the choir, so I won't go there. I just want to say how glad I am to have found this website. It helps me to feel less alone, having everyone's ups and downs to share in.

    This visit mostly consisted of constant cuddling, talking, and doing fun things like going out for shaved ice at night. It was so nice to just relax with her and touch her and be intimate and close and sleep in the same bed. I'm trying a new approach with this; attempting not to fall into deep depression when we part, but instead be grateful for the time we did get and enjoy the hell out of it, then use the happiness to propel me forward until I get to see her again.

    Oh, but the tail-end of the visit could have ended on a better note. This was my SO's first time leaving my house to home alone (usually, when she leaves from my place to hers, I go with her, then leave to come home myself a little later). She was very upset, which isn't surprising; being the one to leave is difficult. Anyway, the airport she flies into/out of is a 2 hour drive from where I live, and my mother insisted on coming with us for the drive, since she had little faith in my abilities to navigate my way home in the dark. Now, this was a nice gesture, and I appreciated it, so I had little complaints. We were driving through a pretty intense dust storm on the way up (I live in New Mexico) and this would have been a great time to have my mother's guidance...but she slept through the entire thing (don't really know how - I was terrified). She only woke up when we got to the airport, and basically said, "Pull up next to the curb and let her [my SO] out." I didn't want to do this, I wanted to walk my SO to the security gate and have a big teary hug and kiss and watch her go, but I did what my mother said, knowing I'd get hell for it if I didn't (she had major back surgery recently and riding in the car is painful for her). I really feel like I threw my SO to the wolves right then, you guys. She's a smart girl and was easily able to get through the small airport by herself, but she always stays with me for as long as possible when I go home and I feel bad for not extending her the same courtesy. She said it was okay after I apologized, but I still feel pretty guilty about it. Then, as soon as I got back in the car to drive away and I was fighting back more tears, my mother said to me, "I didn't even get to say goodbye because you were hogging her." I didn't even have a response to this, I was so shocked at how venomous she sounded and how insensitive her timing was. Besides, if she had wanted to say goodbye to my SO, she easily could have. It's not like we were snogging right there in public. Sigh...sorry about the tangent, it's just something that's really been nagging at me since it happened.

    Anway, the point of this was to just thank you guys for being awesome (really, I started out with good intentions and not rambling ones!). I love this website and even though I'm a little reserved with posting, I'm invested in everyone here and interested in the progress, success, and happiness of their relationships.

    I'll end this with one of my favorite photos from her visit. Maybe I'll post more in the picture thread later. :3

    what a cute cute picture. post more in here! <3

    i would be mad at my mother as well if she did that, luckly she understands me being depressed after a visit as well, and is really nice about it. i also stay til the end in the airport, til the last second i can have hugging my so! last visit he came to visit me in amazon, than after a week we flew together to rio de janeiro, and each of us would go their own way on the same day, one gate away from each other, me one hour before him. so we kissed and hugged and cried, and went to the end of the line twice, lol
    just so we could have some more minutes, and i saw many people looking at us with "awww"faces, like at the same time they wish they were us (have someone that love them so much and all) and they werent (saying goodbye to that person).

    sorry for rambling here, i am also still on my post visit blues.

    so *hugs* for you.
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


      Good to hear everything went so well! Great Picture. Always good to hear stories like this!
      Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

      I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

