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    Does anyone have a SO that procrastinates? If so what do you do to give him/her that push to get things moving?

    He's not so much of a procrastinater as a forgetter. But we're pretty good at motivating each other - we just talk, there's no real secret to it. I find being reasonable helps too. When I say "now" he knows he's got 15 minutes. When I say soon, there's a few hours, and soonish means he has a few days or longer and I'm willing to remind him again.

    Just being on the same page helps.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      My SO procrastinates and so do I. It took him a while to get his passport. I kept encouraging him and stressing to him how important it was. I gave him an ultimatum which I realised afterwards was the wrong way to go, it just made him resent me for putting so much pressure on him. After that I left it and let him take it at his own pace and he finally had his passport processed and came to visit me

      Just don't pressure on your SO. Help them to see if from your point of view and encourage them as much as you can. Point out all the pros of getting whatever needs to be done, done.


        Uhm, I think if someone procrastinates in our relationship it’s me haha I can be horrible at it.
        The only time my SO procrastinates is when it comes to booking flights. He’s always worried that something might come up at work and it will force him to change his vacation dates. Sometimes it flat out drives me crazy and I wonder if he understood the concept of booking flights early so they are cheap


          Originally posted by Zephii View Post
          He's not so much of a procrastinater as a forgetter.
          Mine's both. And I'm a procrastinator as well, so it makes things "interesting," to say the least. (I'm working on it!)

          Zephii and Zapookie both gave great advice. I find it effective to talk the situation out with him and be encouraging as best as I can. I offer help or ask if there's anything I can do to assist him in moving the process along. I don't want him to resent me by putting the screws on him (although I do stress urgency from time to time). So far, most situations he's procrastinated on have affected him more directly than me, so if he in the end decides to wait too long... it's a learning experience.

          When it does affect me directly, I feel more justified in presenting my point of view to him and urging him along a little more strongly. Once I've said my piece, though, I stress that I love him and back off. He's a big boy.
          My heart belongs to a pilot!


            YES! It drives me nuts!!! I just have to keep reminding him and reminding him. I am just a very organized and methodical type of person and he is more go with the flow at times. But nagging seems to help. But he almost always gets his stuff done sooner or later. I would just prefer sooner.
            Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

            I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

