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Panicking a bit.

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    Panicking a bit.

    Oh dear.
    Ok, I know that most of this is just me, worrying, pretty pointlessly. And I know that it's stupid.
    My SO is coming over at Christmas, and yes, I'm very very excited.
    Short interruption to explain the circumstances : We're Aus-Eng, our parents were friends when we were kids, we've been friends since we were kids, his family moved to Aus, been a bit more than friends for about five years, and I went over at the start of this year, we became official, and we ended up living together for seven months. I came home in September for Uni.

    Anyway, it's his first visit here... our families haven't gotten together in a while.

    But it was so heart-wrenching to leave him... I am dreading him leaving at the end of his visit here, mainly because I've only had to wait three months to see him, but after that, it could be up to six months. And I know I'm very fortunate, not having to wait as long as some LDRs, but having lived together for so makes THIS part of my life feel like the holiday. Not a very good one, because I have work to do, but, y'know. You can understand. My life was there for a long time, our lives were so intertwined... argh. It's hard to explain.

    But knowing what is coming - that little part of you that feels like it's dying when you part... I'm wondering how I can possibly bear that a second time. And I'm so amazed that so many of you have been able to keep this up for so long. I know it's worth it, so I can see him.

    Argh, sorry. bit of brain-vomit, I think. I'm just scared. I don't want to say goodbye again. It hurts so badly. I don't mean to whine. But I am terrified.

    you know i give credit to everyone in a LDR. I don't think everyone realizes just how hard it is saying goodbye and being apart. To be away from your loved one it hurts so much. When my SO was here we were going to be apart for only 2 days, but that was hard. And my mom told me I can't be upset because I would see him in just two days. But that was 2 days out of the short time he was visiting for, and then I won't see him for nearly a year. Not everyone gets how much goodbyes hurt, even if its a short period. So I think your very strong. And its okay to be scared. But just know your not alone in this, not just with us in this forrum. But you have your SO who's going through it too. Just hold on and look to when you'll get to see him again. Because its so worth it.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I went through the same thing awhile ago. My SO came to visit for three months, and I spent a lot of time crying the first week he was here just because I knew at some point he would be leaving again. But its times like those that will make it soo surreal when it is time to close the distance. I don't even remember what it will be like when we see one another and don't have this "leaving grey cloud" hanging over our head the whole time. It is def terrifying, like you said, but you might surprise yourself with your ability to bounce back. Have your routines before your SO comes and remember them so that when he leaves, nothing feels different. We are creatures of habit


        I understand how you feel I just left my BF from a 5-day visit and I was bawling the entire time at the airport, and when I finally got home, I felt so sad all day. I've been distracting myself with work,friends and homework so it's getting better.

        Hope you have fun when you see your S/O


          Just remember it gets easier. It sucks and there are always tears when you have to say good-bye. But each time you make it through the distance you get stronger
          Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

          I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

