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Not hearing my SO's voice in a while

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    Not hearing my SO's voice in a while

    So, eversince I told my dad about my dating my current LD girlfriend, I haven't talked to her on skype. I miss hearing her voice and just recently her webcam and mic went kaput, so any communication other than texting is out of the equation. How do I deal with not hearing her voice? I would call her cell phone, but she's going to school now and I don't want to bother her. Plus, I don't want to interrupt her fun time if she's with friends. I actually don't want her to pick up if I call because I want to leave a voice mail message because for some reason I think it would mean more (idk). Thanks for any help.

    so how will you hear her voice if you will just leave a voice mail? you miss her voice right?and she will hear your voice as doesn't have to be a long convo, just tell her you missed hearing her voice thats why you called..a minute call will do a lot for you and for her..
    "In love, two of the most important ingredients are being open and being content."

    "God must have seen my need for someone who could turn my failure to victory, whose touch could turn my tears to smiles, who by just being there could turn my sadness to laughter. That's why he sent you to me."


      Well, that was like a different subject within this one. But maybe leave a voice mail and then she could call me back or something...I'm sorry for the confusion, I feel like a idiot :P lol.


        If my SO could call me after school even just for a moment I think that would make my dad.
        Just call her, tell her you miss her and miss hearing her voice.
        Its very sweet to get calls like that.
        " There is always hope.


          I agree with SharonQ. I bet it would make her day and she would love to hear your voice just as much as you want to hear hers. Plus with a surprise call like that, little surprises are the best and keep a smile on your face all day.
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            I agree with the above, you don't have to make it a long call just a quick one to say I love you or whatnot. Then you aren't interrupting too much if she is out with friends.


              Well, I'm sure she would enjoy a phone call from you, regardless of whether it is a short or a long conversation following it
              But if you're really set on leaving her a voicemail, I would suggest texting her and telling her you have a surprise and not to answer her phone if you call? Lol, just a suggestion :P
              You never forget your first love...


                Well, you could text her asking her if she'll be free at some point to talk on the phone and you can plan a set time to talk to each other. That's how my SO and I set up phone conversations. I know it's hard not hearing their voice, because I always miss my boyfriend's voice too when we go awhile without talking on the phone. You guys had time for each other on Skype, so I'm sure she could make time to talk on the phone to you. Or you could do what my brother does with his LD girlfriend sometimes...they will be on webcam, but talk to each other on the phone instead of through the mic. Hope I could help! =]

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  Yeah I agree with the others why don't you call her after school or text her setting a time so you can both chat?


                    Try to find a time that works for you both for a phone call. And it is fine to have friend time and live your own separate lives but your relationship is important too. Communication is necessary so dont give it up (when all you want is a normal amount) because you just dont want her to feel smothered.
                    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                      Thanks for all the replies She went live with a friend of hers a few hours ago via on her Droid, but the battery was about dead so they were only on there for no more than a minute. But that's all it took...Just to hear her laugh made me feel awesome, if you can understand :P haha. She said that they were going to go live once they got home, but she hasn't texted me yet, so I'm just gonna wait until tomorrow or sometime to call her. I told her that I miss seeing her and hear her voice, so she knows how I feel at least :3 Oh, and to loveknowsnodistance27, her webcam went kaput as well has her mic. She said that she's going to get a new microphone when she can, so hopefully we can make a date on Skype. I'll ask her when she gets that new mic

