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I have a headache.... anyone ever felt this way?

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    I have a headache.... anyone ever felt this way?

    Hey everyone

    My story starts a little over 3 years ago. i met my partner and we were friends, then he came to visit me (he lives in canada, I in new zealand)
    After the first visit we realised that we had a connection neither of us had felt before. he went home and we casually couldnt get enough of each other. He came back a second time and when he went home we decided we would like to start a relationship. So 3 years later, visits back and forth every 5months. We have both met each others families and decided it would be easiest for him to move here as we had spend around 20grand on flights together.... last time he was here was 6-7months ago. and i continued to hold on and stay positive about everything. Our connection was so strong and bold that i never thought id be feeling the way i do now.

    He was here for two months. (the longest of his visits) and i got very use to having him around and part of my day to day life. when he left to go home. he told me he needed me to stay strong and positive for him as he had alot of work to do before he could finally move here. I decided i would hold out as long as i could focused on my own life and get on with things. sooo 7months has past. and around 2-3ago he stopped coming online as often, stopped texting me. and he seemed to have changed so much. arguments became regular on the phone. as i would try and contact him and the call wouldnt go months of worrying i got to the point of exploding.

    Now when we talk, he tells me perfectly understandable explinations to what is going on. (time difference, its getting harder for him to see me and not be able to touch me, phone calls have gotten boring, he is busy working during the day and resting in the evenings.) In saying this he always tells me to ring him at 8pm every night. BUT if he doesnt answer the phone i would find myself freaking out..... i acused him of cheating on me lieing etc etc.

    Anyways every now and then he would indeed open up to me and let me know why its hard for him etc. i got to breaking point so have booked a trip to go see him. i leave in 9 days and are for the first time extremely nervous to see him (he keeps telling me that if he didnt want the relationship and wasnt still working on things he would have left me by now through all the bull i have caused) and deep down i know its true.

    Love makes u crazy, anyways i started to get these migranes from overthinking.... as i became busier i indeed had less worries and everything made sense.

    However i am sooo worried that i have ruined things between us with the fights. and would like to know if anyone has any advice.... i love this man completely and when we are together i know he loves me. but i think this distance may have taken its toll..... sighs. 9days.... -fingers crossed

    I think sometimes there is only so much love you can give from a distance. Of course this isn't the case with some people but the distance DOES kill things for some people. I think that is what has happened here - without regular physical contact the motivation can dry up. I bet you that this visit will totally freshen up your love and keep you guys going. and I really hope it works out!

    PS, I am NZ - Canada too Except I'm moving there for a year or so soon as a working holiday (nothing permanent, just a longterm trial basically!)


      yeah i am guessing that with his overload stresses of work and the fights it gets a bit too much. damn female emotions. altho he still tells me he loves me and is excited to see me lol i worry a lil too much at times. but damn 9 days..... wish it would go quicker. and awsome. canadians are good people, always gotten along with them very well. Thankyou for your reply


        Trust me i feel the same way wif this dude man, i just sometimes cant help that he is with sumone else, but then again in a way i trust him just paranioa gets in the way

