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Feeling awkward

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    Feeling awkward

    I know I said that I wouldn't be back, but no matter how much I try, there's always something that draws me back to these forums.

    Now for an update. As most of you may know, my SO and I recently had to call our relationship quits due to a number of complex reasons, mainly being he and I can no longer bear to be in an LDR any longer. We've tried to make things work but unfortunately, they've been unable to. Now, we're still in contact with each other. And actually....considering Saturday was a complete and utter nightmare for us both, things are already starting to calm down. We still talk everyday, not so much but we do still talk. I cried myself stupid on Saturday after what happened, but following that and a long 12 hour sleep, I felt refreshed and strong enough to overcome my grief and emotions. Although things are a little difficult at times when we talk, so far things are ok between us. I'm still planning on going over there to visit him in the next couple of years as originally planned and we're still good friends despite what has happened. Which is great And I'm glad things haven't changed all that much. We still have feelings for one another (our love hasn't died, merely been pushed to one side for now) and perhaps sometime in the future, however much of a long shot most would say it is, we hope that we might actually be able to rekindle things once I move to America. The way I'm hoping things should go is that by the time I've qualified as a nurse and I have adequate finances and experience, I'll be making the move to go over there. My motivation to move abroad is actually something I've had for many years now: I've always wanted to work and live abroad and that was from even before I knew Chris. It's been a goal I've been wanting to achieve for years.

    What I wanted to tell you as well as letting you guys know briefly how I've been doing is, although I feel welcome on LFAD, I feel quite awkward. Not being in an LDR any longer....reading all of your posts and stories....makes me feel just downright awkward. I don't really know how else to describe the feeling. It may prevent me from posting much in future. I can't quite understand the feeling either. I was hoping you guys could help me understand it....

    I think you haven't quite adjusted to your new situation yet. ('situation'. That sounds terrible, but you know what I mean.) And so you're not sure where you fit with a lot of things that you were used to, for example, LFAD.
    That's ok. You're still a part of the community, even if you're no longer in an LDR. But we can understand how you might feel a little odd being here.
    You know you have a lot of love and support right here, and even through this hard time, there are people you can talk to here who will be able to help you through because of their own experiences. And equally, your experiences may be able to help others here too. So regardless of whether or not you're still in an LDR, your experience of one means that your opinion is still valid here.
    ...WE STILL WANT YOU HERE! *anguish*
    But we can all understand if you need some time away.
    I think I have run out of things to say, so I'm just going to sit here and smile vaguely. Maybe I'll start humming too.


      Me and my SO just broke up as well and I know what you mean this place is hard to leave but I find I'm also posting less. Good to see you two are still close. Who kows maybe you just need some time apart and when u can be together in person it could all work out. Good luck


        Glad you're back though! And also, I'm glad to hear you two are still good friends and keeping in contact, and that it's working relatively well. And if you don't feel like posting much, that's perfectly alright. But I'm always open to chat if you want
        You never forget your first love...


          Even if your LDR (or anyone's) has ended, you still have thoughts, experiences and help / advice to offer to others. I know it has to be difficult sometimes reading about others, but when you heal enough to be able to help support others, it will help you as well work dealing with your own situation.

          I agree, we still want you here
          Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
          Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
          Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


          You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
          Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

          Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
          Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


            Ya I agree that your experience is highly valued and sought after for the many users of this site regardless of the current relationship status! Thanks for sticking around as I have always found your posts to be a wonderful read!


              We still want you (both) here!!! Sunnyside and Hollz, itīs already said that you have experiences that some on here would appreciate hearing about! And youīre also really cool, and we like you So please donīt leave us just yet D:

              "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
              -Miguel De Cervantes

              Read our story HERE


                Glad you have found the strength and courage to come on here again. I agree with them... You have the experience that would be an asset to the forum here. Even if you and your SO are no longer together.. You are still welcome here..


                  Thanks guys

                  Originally posted by DemonxOisin View Post
                  We still want you (both) here!!! Sunnyside and Hollz, itīs already said that you have experiences that some on here would appreciate hearing about! And youīre also really cool, and we like you So please donīt leave us just yet D:
                  This made me laugh quite a bit xD Don't worry. I'm here to stay.


                    Sometimes, you just need to get away, even if its away from us!

                    I feel like I'm usually drawn here when my relationship takes a back step, but now I'm trying to be here on and off. Just because you aren't in an LDR right now doesn't mean you shouldn't be here. You can still support us and encourage us liek we did with you, and it's always nice to hear how everyone is doing.


                      Just give yourself time to figure it all out. And no need to feel awkward. LDRs is what brought us all together but we are here for whatever!
                      Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                      I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

