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Not sure how to make it through my ldr

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    Not sure how to make it through my ldr

    Hi everyone me and my girl have been seeing each other for 3 months and one of those months we only were able to spend a few days together before she left. We were planning moving in together before she left but that got put on hold because of her going on the road with her sister and the fact that my sister's ex mother inlaw was still living in the house and is on her way out the door. Well me and my girl have had some problems since she left like me noticing her still being on some dateing sites which she told me it was only because she has had them for a long time and there were some people on there she still talked to which got us in a big fight because she said I didn't trust her. Well she did take the sites down which did make me feel better. Well over this past week we would talk every day for few minutes and text every so often during the day and then the next day she told me she would be able to talk because she was going to be on the road and she could not hear me very well because it's loud in the semi so thought ok I understand that we did text some so it was good but but she told me she wouldn't beable to as much because she has been busy helping her sister with stuff on the truck so I thought ok I understand well the next day when I got up I did my retual of sending her a good morning message and didn't get a reply so thought yeah she's busy so later I messaged her just to tell how my day was nothing back which I was fine with so around 4 that day I just asked her how was her day going and I got a reply working and that was it which hurt a little but I thought oh well she busy well that evening I opened my cell phone bill and noticed it was higher then I thought it should be so I went online to look at everything and noticed she had been sending text during the day just not to me which really hurt me so I sent her a text about the phone bill she never replied so i called and left her a voice message and did not hear from her till the next morning well we got into again because she says I don't trust her and if we don't have trust we don't have a relationship. i asked her how would she feel if she seen that I did that she said she wouldn't have looked she would have just believed me well at this point if I bring up another trust issue we are done I don't want to lose her because I do love her and I know she loves me and I do trust her but I still have the feeling that with the distance I will lose her but at the same time I am pushing her away with me finding things. And now she tells me she will try to be home for thanksgiving but only for 3 days if she gets to she tells me she will be gone till Jan I just don't know how to handle this or deal with it. I was married for 11 yrs before and me and my ex were away from each other for about 3 months and I didn't go through this but am now I don't get it. And the last time we talk she brought up my sister's mother-inlaw again so is she secretly saying that is why she isn't coming back before Jan and in our last fight she told me I need to let her go I am holding on to tight. I know she said there are things that she has been needing to work out in her own head about her own personal problem she says nothing to do with me but again that worries me but she said she needed this time for her self and she is getting to bond with her sister again and she did leave me with her prize possession her little dog that she loves more then anything because he is like a part of her and he could comfort me and we could bond I just don't know what to think or do or how cop with it all if anyone has any advise it would be greatly appreciated.