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not sure for what i am doing, plz help

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    not sure for what i am doing, plz help

    Never been in a ldr so i have no idea if i am in one now. i met him on vacations two months ago, we had a few wonderful dates and then he left.
    He lives 1300 miles away , we talk online but not every day and now in a couple of days i am travelling over there to visit him,
    i feel terrified when i think i could disappoint him (i am not the perfect girl he may have in his mind ) he looks excited for my visit . Also i can t show him that i am in love cause i afraid that it will put him under pressure and i don t want to destroy it.

    please give me some advices ( and do not judge me for my poor english)

    I would just ask him. He's probably wondering the same thing. Just say "Listen, I was wondering if we could talk about where we stand. Do you want to be exclusive?" and go from there.


      “There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.”
      ~Washington Irving


        Hey Emily!
        Don't worry. Just be yourself. He's already seen you, so don't be afraid of what he might think. If he wanted to date you 2 months ago, why should he stop liking you now?
        Take it easy and have a good time with him, and before you go back to your place, ask him what is it that you two have.
        Enjoy and don't worry!!!
        Good luck!


          Don't worry too much hon! Just go with the flow take it one day at a time and get a feel for everything! I am sure he likes what he sees otherwise you would not be going over there! Be happy have fun and be yourself...Nothing is more sexy then confidence!


            thanks, a suppose i should calm down and stop acting like a crazy chick , i am just super nervous and impatient for my trip and can t think clearly . i really want to avoid tha talk "what do we have , are we exclusive, ect .." for so many reasons , just want to live it and it looks hard , while everybody reminds me that a distance like this could not work and we will forget each other really soon. :-(


              People always tell you LDRs don't work and that you will forget each other but they don't know how you feel. Don't hear them, hear your heart and anyway... I think this site is the proof that LDR do work. So again, calm down and be yourself. As cybunny said: nothing is sexier than confidence!

              Have a good time!!!


                Defiantly talk to him. I mean if he wanted you to come back and visit and you wanted to see him as well it seems like there is something there. But you dont want make something up i your head so just talk to him and see what he feelings are. Have a good time

                And no worries on the english. For some of us what use English as their first language make it sound weird sometimes. We are with you
                Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                  i will go there ( 4 days left ) and have a good time,
                  before i leave i will find a way to talk to him . thank you for the support


                    Well Emily, I was like you. I was think that I'm not a perfect girl, not a good match for him, there's a bunch girls out there better than me. He is a great handsome guy, and I believe a lot of girls dare to do many things to get closer with him. I was afraid to lose him in a way, but in other way I was underestimate myself. I was met him in dating site and only met him for about 10 hours, so we had very short dating with a weird condition that made us hard to know each other better. He lives 7.000 miles a way from me, and in the beginning of our relationship we only send a mail in 2 or 3 weeks! I think it was impossible that he likes me so much and dare to wait for me, but he proves me that I was wrong!
                    It more than a year from our 1st meeting and almost a year after he confessed his feeling, but our relationship is getting stronger. Can you believe that our communication only through email once a week, but we can make it through for a year and would be more.
                    Just enjoy your moment, no need to worried too much. Ask him about where your relationship will go, maybe he want to be exclusive - who knows?
                    However we're not mind reader, so what in your mind can be different than what in his mind. Be confidence with yourself because he enjoy your companion.You as yourself, not the other girl.
                    Good luck!

                    Ps. English is not my 1st language too, but as long as we can communicated and understand each other so it would be no problem.


                      Athens Greece eh? Shoot maybe i'll come visit you. I'm doing my degree on history specifically in Greece. Hahaha. Anyway a lot has been said earlier which is exactly what you need to do...take it easy - one day at a time and you'll find yourself getting into a rhythm and a mode.
                      .We've Closed the Distance.
                      no matter where i am, no matter where you are
                      i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
                      no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
                      all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

                      Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,


                        aww good luck! where does he live? and where did you met on vacations?

                        all the best luck! <3
                        our story.


                        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                          we met here in greece (summer vacations ) as he is from here but he works at Netherlands

                          Ms.Justine we all going to immigrate sooner or later ( at least the the ones with academic education ) there is no point studing Greek history cause there is no future.
                          just choose a beautifull place with blue sea an sun and come for vacations :-)

