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I feel like my relationship is going to end :'(

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    I feel like my relationship is going to end :'(

    If you take the time to read all of this and give me an answer I will be so grateful because I really don't know what to do..

    Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 2 months itll be tomorro long distance. I feel like my boyfriend does not care as much anymore. I don't exactly know how to explain it. He use to be much more involved and talk to me more and text me and stuff and now he barely texts me. Usually if I text him he'll reply a long time afterwards with a one word answer but he usually asks how i am and says hi in the morning. But what's been getting to me is the fact that lately he seems very disconnected. I was sad that he was not really as enthusiastic as he used to be or as interested as he used to be. He just doesn't seem very interested in keeping a conversation long and I feel like since were in a long distance relationship and he claims he loves me and whole 9 yards. He's said so much lovey dovey stuff to me weeks ago and now he barely ever says anything like that. I don't even think he calls me babe anymore or says love you. I feel like he doesn't go out of his way to try to make me happy like he used to. And even when I text him a lot and try to get him involved and be enthusiastic it seems like it always remains the same. And even if I talk to him about it.. I don't want to get into a fight with him about it.

    We got into a fight yesterday because I asked him to oovoo or talk on the fone and he was like "Listen im not gonna say all that I wanna say because there will be problems but the reason I can't oovoo or talk on the fone is because my uncle is here and you and many other people are pointing out what I've been doing wrong lately so thanks for joining the gang. If you continue to anger me like you are than I am going to say some things you won't like." and after that all happened I explained to him that I'm only trying to say that I felt like he has been distant and that if your angry about things lately than talk to me about it. After all the paragraph long texts I sent him he would say "uh huh" or "k". A little bit after that big thing I looked at his status on bbm and it said "I am questioning myself and the people around me." After I saw that I said what does that mean? that makes me sad... and he said Yes I am questioning myself luv u tho and he said nite babe :* and the next morning we talked n he asked how i was and stuff but there was never any apology from him. I apologized saying I'm sorry that I made him feel like he was doing the wrong thing, but he just said "k" and never once said I'm sorry for saying what I said to you. All day today It's been on my mind-I just don't understand what happened... I mean the past couple weeks he's been going through sum stuff at his house and fighting with his parents and stuff but I don't understand why he doesn't want to talk to me as much or apologize or anything. Our anniversary is tomorro and I'm really hoping that he says something or does something that reinforces all the reasons why we got together in the 1st place because I've been questioning myself lately that he might not be as genuine as I thought he was. I just don't know what to do because it doesn't seem like he cares much at all and even after I got all my feelings out and expressed that I was sad about him seeming distant in the end it didn't achieve anything much than making me feel even worse. I've been distracted all day and I don't know what to do because I don't want to bring it up again and risk getting into a fight again and than tomorrow will be ruined. Please somebody help me with this...

    “There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.”
    ~Washington Irving


      It sounds like a pretty bummer situation you're in. You seem like you're trying your best to let him know, you even apologized and expressed how you're feeling about the current situation.
      There could be a larger, underlying reason why he is acting the way he is and maybe he's too stressed out to tell you about it? I don't know what he's like but maybe you really need to put your foot down and demand why he's acting that way towards you. It's also easy to forget that sometimes it's not always about 'us.' While I don't feel like your particular situation is something of that matter, it's always good to put yourself in the other persons shoes. But I think in your case, it's pretty down right uncalled for when all he said was 'k' after you APOLOGIZED! I know that I would not tolerate that kind of treatment, so I think that it's important you try harder to express your emotions towards him.


        thank you so much for the responses guys ! I talked to him like an hour ago and I put my foot down I told him openly and honestly that wat he did hurt me and that he's my boyfriend and he needs 2 kno that communication is most important thing and he apologized and said he was sorry. He said he loves me but he was stressin from it. And I told him I'm there 4 him always and I was stressing to. Everything is back to normal now because if he took the time to talk it out and fight with me when I didn't hold anything back than I feel he cares. I'm going to squash it and just move on because we have such great chemistry when were together. The texting sumtimes takes away that chemistry because u cant say it rite or smile or anything for them. Basically I feel great now because I know that I can say anything that's on my mind because that's the most important thing. If he doesn't stick around than it was never genuine from the start. We both promised eachother we loved eachother and we would never leave eachother so I think this is the first step to a good thing. THANK YOU GUYS !!


          we usually text a lot or use bbm on the blackberry to text. We haven't talked on webcam or fone because he recently got into a big fight with his family and i think thats the reason why hes been so distant or uninterested because he's stressed about that. I make it a point to tell him I'm always there 4 him. I think he just needs more time to open up.


            Personally if it were me, Id back off and give him some space. How he's treating you is kind of mean. Maybe some time for the both of you to think will help things.
            " There is always hope.


              thank you

