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How can I cheer my SO up?

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    How can I cheer my SO up?

    Hi everyone,

    My So has just left recently this week and he's really having a difficult time.It's play a toll on him to see me in the screen again.Also with the issues about work, exams coming soon near Christmas-New Year.

    I also am a bit unwell right now, which is not just a flu or something that goes away easily but I prefer to keep that personal info private.

    That also makes him feel really concerned as he experienced all that while with me, having to leave me feeling not really well at all.Knowing how he wished to take care of me, be close to me.

    It's just that he was yesterday so depressed about this, he's a bit confused with himself also thinking of some issues occuring, exams, work making it not easy to just tell me tomorrow' I'm coming to you' or any time soon as he'd prefer it to be.

    He'll talk about this with his parents but I just feel also helpless and I know it often has made people fall apart with factors playing that prevents them to see eachother for a little while.But I'm a strong believer about if you love someone truely, you'll fight for them.

    I told him about my easily concerns about that, that I don't want him to do silly things like giving us up or anything.
    Although he said he'd never want that, never intends to but it does seem to be a bit of a struggle to 'promise' this at times which I do know and it's not easy for him either right now.

    I'm trying to stay strong as I must but it's definitely so difficult currently.

    Right now when he told me before to go 'I'm forever yours' and the usual things he says for me to remember: 'That's my sweetheart, for the way I know him and want him to feel like.'

    I know trust is the most important thing, which I have but sometimes it can be slightly upsetting and hurtful to see your SO so depressed sometimes or confused, just their expression and the look in their eyes...seeing them hurt as they have to realise the fact you're apart again, just in a little screen.

    I'm thinking of many ways right now to cheer him up, make him feel special, close to me, but not just with a letter that I often do or a drawing although he loves it.
    I want to do something more than that as I cannot watch him be so upset for a long time, I need him to smile and remain our constant positivity again.

    I just don't want to lose him or ever have him do that because of all the 'upsetness/stress' sometimes, although I am certain- as are the people around me..that he loves me too much and we have something too special for that to happen.

    I'm considering to send him a package with some special things like a care-package as everyone calls it.Something to remind him of me for example, or to always look at while at the computer (mousepad with a personalised photo of us, text or etc) or something else that has a meaning to us like a woolen pillow that is soft as a sheep/with a sheep on also saying 'I love you/sweet dreams'(sheeps have some meaning to us and I'm sure he'd love that gift aswell)

    I appreciate any experiences or advice as of how I could make my SO happy and cheer him up as best as I can right now.
    Or about how you usually make your SO feel better, the things you have done/do to make him feel special or make him feel close to you.

    Thank you for reading this already!

    I am kind of on the same spot as yours. Maybe even worse as he want to break up because he wasn't sure he could made me happy in future.

    Oh well... you're doing right thing by being strong i guess... because thats what i am doing now. Its just a small pebbles.. and i believe that everything will be solved. Sending a comfort pack is very nice idea also....

    I hope you and him will be all right... *hugs*


      Hugs to you too hun, it's really hurtful and upsetting to see your guy upset like that.I hope you manage to stay strong also.I try to remind myself that it's better to remain and think positive thoughts than thinking always for the worst to happen.
      I'm sure it doesn't have a good influence on him either if I tell him I fear for him to do things without thinking, when too much sadness or more likely 'depression' kicks in.


        This is always the hardest part being in a LDR i think, not knowing how to cheer up your SO. This is actually been the issue in our relationship right now. Makes me feel useless and helpless. And I do at times freak out or worry that this might one day become to much for him, or that the distance will get to hard and he might feel its easier to end it. Which I know is silly, were in this together. I just feel like as his girlfriend i should know how to cheer him up. And it hurts not being able to be there for him after stressful days. But I guess in a LDR all you can do is stay strong and be there emotionally for one another. Things like this comes and goes, theres highs and lows in the relationship. Just can't give up.

        I think the care package is a good idea. I know when im expecting something in the mail from him, im just excited about it for days till it comes, so i bet he will like having something to look forward to. Stay strong! Best of wishes to you both.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          Thank you for your response Kiara.
          I'm atleast glad that it's not a silly thing to feel this way sometimes, I'm also kind of new to this.
          He's my first love, although I'm mature compared to most people when it comes to relationships.

          He tells me I'm the stronger one, but this also at times like these makes me feel 'pressured' I can't always stay strong at all times when he needs me to, like now.But I'm trying my best to remain positive.

          I'm currently busy preparing the care package, looking possibly for a thing like a cute/sexy top with perfume or that I'll wear a bit so he can have it and return it when he comes to me (for me to wear this for him of course)And some other things that are personalised and things for him to wear/look at at all times or keep with him.

