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And then it was all over...

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    Sorry to hear this Marcus

    Even though things didn't end well with you and Katelyn you've still had an amazing experience studying in America and THAT is never a waste. Hopefully you've made some friends who will stay in touch with you throughout your life and who can help you to remember all the wonderful things that happened when you were far away from home.

    She doesn't deserve you *hugs*


      The only friends I really made has moved on to other schools and such, thus losing contact already.
      Currently I'm all alone with no one to talk to. Evenings are especially bad. Because of this I've accidently entered a different sleep cycle as I'm up all night when Sweden is up, thus giving me people to talk to, and sleep whenever I feel like it. As I mentioned school currently gets no attention whatsoever. I just don't have any inspiration/motivation/will to do anything there.


        try to find a club, sports, book club, anything you are interested in, i only started making friends in germany when i got involved in roller derby, before that my friends were only my SOs friends. all the best luck to you
        our story.


        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


          Oh I am so sorry you are going through this. I used to use FB on a really general basis..but once I got into my LDR and my SO asked me to accept 'relationship status' the worry of whether he'll change that status sometimes, makes me want to stay away from FB. You are what so many women say they want..a man who will do things like move to be with have given so much and you deserve so much better. And here you are on LFAD giving support and well wishes to others. Big Hugs to you


            i'm sorry things didn't work out for you Swederica...
            try to focus on your studies *big hugs*
            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
            ~Richard Bach

            “Always,” said Snape.


              Thanks once more for the support
              I figure there's no point joining a club at this point as it should only be some 7 or so weeks left

              Originally posted by ioanna View Post
              i'm sorry things didn't work out for you Swederica...
              try to focus on your studies *big hugs*
              Actually my studies have gotten the least of my focus. I don't know why, maybe it's because they feel too forced already from the start. Maybe it is because I've lost her. I don't really know
              All I do know is that where I had motivation/inspiration to do my homework, study for tests etc. I now got nothing.


                Ok so life has moved on. Katelyn and I have kept contact and are trying to keep it at a friend level.
                However one thing that is causing troubles for me is that the guy that took her to that dance seems to be mentioned everywhere.
                For Halloween they dressed in matching customes, which of course earned him another profile picture on Facebook. Now, what's the big problem with this, you might ask.
                The thing is, the two and a half years we were together I managed to amass no less then 4 profile pictures. In under 3 weeks this guy has gotten 2. I mean, yeah FB profile pictures are not a thing to really count, it just stings that's all. Once more she claims that they are just friends. Fair enough.
                Now just this night we were talking a bit on the phone, as friends. After about 3 minutes she suddenly stopped responding and I could hear button smashing, I figure out of curiosity who she was texting.
                Yes sure maybe it wasn't my business to ask her, but since it was so important to do in the middle of the call I figured that yes, it was my business. And wouldn't you know it, she was txting that guy.
                Ok so we're just friends, she can txt and talk to whomever she wants. But for a person who says she still wants to be friends, and who also says she loves me still, she's incredbly inconsiderate towards my feelings. "Does it really hurt you that I suddenly pause a phone call to txt the guy that I said yes to, and hid it, despite that I said no when you asked me and that ultimately caused the demise of our relationship?"
                Yeah well go figure >.>.>.>.>.>.<.<.><><><><>


                  You think being friends with her right now is the best idea? I think watching her interact with this guy will only cause you pain in the long run, but that's just my two cents.


                    Originally posted by Mara View Post
                    You think being friends with her right now is the best idea? I think watching her interact with this guy will only cause you pain in the long run, but that's just my two cents.
                    I know. I've thought about that alot. It's very hard though for me to completely shut her out. She's been my best friend, and girlfriend, for the past 2.5 years. Yes as my former girlfriend I should prolly not be friends with her, but as my former best friend maybe I should? Idk


                      Originally posted by Swederica View Post
                      Ok so life has moved on. Katelyn and I have kept contact and are trying to keep it at a friend level.
                      However one thing that is causing troubles for me is that the guy that took her to that dance seems to be mentioned everywhere.
                      For Halloween they dressed in matching customes, which of course earned him another profile picture on Facebook. Now, what's the big problem with this, you might ask.
                      The thing is, the two and a half years we were together I managed to amass no less then 4 profile pictures. In under 3 weeks this guy has gotten 2. I mean, yeah FB profile pictures are not a thing to really count, it just stings that's all. Once more she claims that they are just friends. Fair enough.
                      Now just this night we were talking a bit on the phone, as friends. After about 3 minutes she suddenly stopped responding and I could hear button smashing, I figure out of curiosity who she was texting.
                      Yes sure maybe it wasn't my business to ask her, but since it was so important to do in the middle of the call I figured that yes, it was my business. And wouldn't you know it, she was txting that guy.
                      Ok so we're just friends, she can txt and talk to whomever she wants. But for a person who says she still wants to be friends, and who also says she loves me still, she's incredbly inconsiderate towards my feelings. "Does it really hurt you that I suddenly pause a phone call to txt the guy that I said yes to, and hid it, despite that I said no when you asked me and that ultimately caused the demise of our relationship?"
                      Yeah well go figure >.>.>.>.>.>.<.<.><><><><>
                      If you can't be just friends with her without feeling hurt when she texts another guy, whenever that may be, I don't think you should be friends with her. You don't have to sever all ties. Take a break until you get over what happened.

                      This wasn't even an amicable breakup. She basically cheated on you with another guy. The reason she wants to stay friends is to ease the guilt. If you get over the hurt and stay friends with her, she doesn't have to think about what happened. Why do you dance to how she plays? It's only going to get more toxic.

                      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                        I agree, You can't just be friends with her. Maybe try again in a few years, but right now, no. And you need to take her off your facebook, and block her so you can't see her posts or look at her profile. It's the best thing.


                        I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?

