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Remedies for a broken heart?

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    Remedies for a broken heart?

    Sorry to have to be a downer, but I stumbled upon this website hoping that someone here had any ideas how to cope with your long distance partner ending things.

    Perhaps something outside the usual stuff, such as keeping busy, hanging out with your friends etc. Something out of the box like burning everything that reminds you of her/him etc.

    Thanks in advance!

    Find a new hobby or something, you just can't mope around. People need to move and start anew, it's not the end of the world but don't hold any grudges or you'll never move on. That's all I can say for now


      When it happened to me, I just let myself obsess. And be depressed. And mope. After a while, it got old. I was dumped in a really d-bag way, but it didn't make it hurt less.
      Anyway, after a while of that, other things caught my interest again. Sometimes you just have to let yourself get the sad out, instead of bottling it, hiding it, or distracting yourself. JMO!


        Everyone deals differently. When it's happened to me, I've been like Garnet. I just let myself wallow in the grief until I just can't stand it anymore, and then I try to get my life back to normal. Definitely put the things that remind you of the person away so you don't have to see them. Destroying them can help, though I've never been able to bring myself to that. I hold on to them until they no longer have any meaning to me- then I get rid of them.

        As far as I know, the only thing that cures a broken heart is time.... But always remind yourself that no matter how bad you feel now, that feeling will go away. You won't feel like this forever.


          Sadly, there's no quick remedy, except for time. Get out of the house, go have fun and just try to stay distracted, sorry, that's all I got Good luck, hope you feel better soon.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            just let yourself feel it. like do whatever your heart/gut/head tells you, as long as its not stupid and will hurt yourself. and remember you wont feel like this forever so you might regret something you do on impulse or when you're upset in the future... theres always that to consider too.
            the best thing i did was just sleep every chance i got and then the hours i was awake try to surround myself with the living. because its easy to zone out completely and forget that you have a life and neglect others.
            hope this helps...


              I'm really sorry. *hugs* I'm not sure if there is much outside the usual stuff. They're the usual stuff for a reason. ^^;; My last LDR break-up I found it a lot easier to get away from the computer and get on with my life. I went to work, I forced myself to hang out with friends (most of which had no idea about the break-up) and I did not talk to my ex at all. After a couple months I felt A LOT better. In a way, it was easier than CDR because there was little chance of me "bumping" into them or hearing others talk about him. I cut off contact and blocked him from all the messengers I could. I didn't read any emails or even try to find out what he was up to. It really was for the best and eventually things got easier.

              Also, I would strongly advise giving it a long time before you contact them again. I thought I was completely over my ex after those couple months because I was feeling better about my life and didn't really think about them much. Then I got a text from him just asking how things were. It was all very casual and friendly. I thought we could be friends and it'd be ok. Then he turns around and tells me he misses me... and I fell for it. -_-;;; It was a lot more unnecessary drama and now that I'm completely over him and moved on, I really have zero desire to talk to him. :/


                My solution is getting piercings. I'm going through this sort of thing right now. *not flaunting her shiny new nipple piercing, but its there!*


                  Thank you all for your kind replies. I really appreciate it.

                  Another aspect I'm finding it hard to deal with at the moment is all the plans we made for the summer, like visiting, making road trips, everything really, and now there is just nothing. Has anyone ever been in that situation as well?


                    Hope you feel better soon!


                      Originally posted by Jonathan View Post
                      Thank you all for your kind replies. I really appreciate it.

                      Another aspect I'm finding it hard to deal with at the moment is all the plans we made for the summer, like visiting, making road trips, everything really, and now there is just nothing. Has anyone ever been in that situation as well?
                      I sorta had a situation like that. Another ex (different one... I'm in my 3rd LDR lol I must be crazy :P ) was supposed to come visit in the springtime and I was supposed to go there in the summer and enroll in a college close by... It really sucked that those plans after no longer existed. I was pretty down about it and kinda avoided the problem for awhile. But life went on and I made do. Maybe make some new plans? Take a vacation somewhere. Ask some friends if they want to take a road trip. Go to a concert. Or take up a hobby. Maybe if you find something fun to look forward to this summer it'll help take your mind off what was planned. It might help you move on too. ^^

