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When everything just doesn't seem to go as you'd like it to be...

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    When everything just doesn't seem to go as you'd like it to be...

    Hi everyone,

    Lately it has been sometimes so heartbreaking like earlier, to see him a bit upset because he misses me.
    Only has been a few weeks since he left and everyone seems to be keeping him busy, asking this/that, then to study, work, help some family out or however get taken away all the time by everyone for everything, and of course he's too sweet to deny most of the time.

    Although I know he would for me, but I'm getting scared he's wearing himself too much out, he's always so tired now also I know it is possibly with working/studying.
    But even in the weekends, he's not taking it easy on himself lately.

    It starts to concern me, and of course if he's sometimes so tired or anything it makes him miss me, saying how he kept thinking of me, wants to be with me.

    I'm also struggling but I need to stay strong for us, it's just heartbreaking to see how much he tries- but everyone/everything seems to play a role to prevent us from being together soon.

    Sometimes it's just not fair.

    I'm trying to keep looking for ways to cheer him up, keep him distracted as in talking about other things, try to keep myself distracted when he's not there.

    But it's sometimes, or now so hard, sometimes it's as if there's 'no way out of this', but I know it's not true and just a temporalily thing now.

    It's just not being 100% assured of when to be together again, with everyone/other things preventing it a bit...

    And I can tell it also is bugging him so much.

    I must find a way to cheer him up, I'm trying every day to find ways and to surprise him with all the things I'm thinking of when I put them into action, but now it's hard to think straight.

    I think I may nee to take it easier on myself but yet I need to stay strong for us.

    It'll be ok in the end, there will be better days, it always gets better when the worse scenarios have taken place or anything.It's just a normal thing to wanting to see your SO happy and feeling well.

    Thanks for listening everyone, I just needed to get that little 'frustration/thoughts' out.

    I remember being in that situation. I was basically your SO just reversed on the keeping busy by spending time with a bunch of people part (I mostly took long, long walks and listened to music).
    It's not an easy place to be in. I think your SO needs to calm down a bit and get some perspective, maybe send him here as well
    Things like this shouldn't be rushed, another hard learned lesson of mine, but let it take it's time and for the whole moving together to come naturally so to speak. It is a massive sacrifice for whomever it is who will move and it alone will provide a host of other issues to be dealt with. It's also not good if his "misery", if I can call that, is putting a strain on your relationship. Worrying is a poison. Try to remind him that you're there, just an email/text/phone call away. Try to remind him that things actually are not AS bad as it seems to be. Yes you're apart, but it could be worse. You could be further apart. It sounds horrible, but I comforted myself earlier with the fact that there are people that are worse off.


      Yeah it's rough, people tend to usually be really busy this time of the year - whether it's mid-terms in school or preparing for the holidays or the winter. There's always something to be done. All you can do it make sure he does take it easy on himself and don't let his stress get to you either. I know it's hard but you both need to be in a good mind state to keep a healthy relationship.
      .We've Closed the Distance.
      no matter where i am, no matter where you are
      i'll be there when it's over baby - cause i was there from the start
      no matter if i'm near - dont matter if you're far
      all you do is pick the phone up baby & i'll be there when you call

      Whenever you need me, whenever you want me,

