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Phone calls scare me..

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    Phone calls scare me..

    So me and my one text alot, about ten thousand messages depending on how busy we are that month.. and thinking about it I wanna call her.. but I get so scared. About a year back, not this valentines, before that, I called her and tried to say I love you.. it couldn't come out. Then I dated Bella, then went back to Amber, long story, but I know now Amber is the one I should be with. So.. When we did talk on the phone.. She just kinda talked about random things.. she's 16 with ADD, and can be really weird. I was silent and just listened. How can I make it so i'm.. not scared? And sometimes it's kind of awkward.. like, I talk about stupid things alot to be funny, but I wouldn't actually say it to her and it makes me feel awkward?
    If you don't understand that.. then.. ;/

    Well you could make quick calls at the beginning. You can call when you're busy just to say hi even to begin with. You'll get more comfortable and fall into a normal routine after a while. Start with baby steps.


      Phones scare me too, but sometimes you just need to get over that hurdle. It's hard to have a real fulfilling LDR without hearing the other's voice. Obi was scared the first time he told me he loved me... even though he'd known for a very hard time. Those words can be hard to say. Just be honest with her - tell her how hard it is for you to open up like that and how uncomfortable you are on the phone but that you want to do it anyway, for her.
      As for the weird topics, you just have to decide if that's a deal breaker for you or not. If it's frusterating on the phone, it'd probably be twice as annoying if you closed the distance.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        i get so nervous on video calls or voice calls.i know how you feel. but doing it more often should increase your confidence. good luck x


          My SO and I can both be pretty quiet, so when we first began talking on the phone, there were a lot of long awkward silences. To fill the silence, I started a question game where we had to take turns thinking of a question about the other (and then we both had to answer the question). After playing the game for a while, talking just came naturally ^^ It also helped us learn quite a bit about each other.


            I think practice makes comfortable!


              I will try some of these, thanks. ._.


                I used to stutter SO MUCH when I first started talking on the phone with Andy ... But it really helped that we had made loads of videoclips to each other before that so I had already heard his voice and gotten used to his accent so I understood him perfectly. Making the clips myself also really helped cause I could talk to him but still think what to say and if I wasn't happy with what I said or how I said it I just made another clip lol. That's definitely something you should try if you're nervous about talking to her because only talking to her makes you better at it and it might be easier to start with a video first.


                  I have gone on cam for her, and talked a little, and the few times she went on mic I THINK we talked like for a minute with each other. I can't do video clips.. ;-;


                    Yeah, I'm really nervous about phone calls too. I don't even put on my mic when we're on webcam. I don't know. It's some weird self-concious fear, I guess. I can't explain it.


                      I was way nervous talking to Joe on the phone at first. I had always been nervous about talking on the phone with anyone since I felt so self-conscious about my voice. But the more I talked to him, the more relaxed I became about it. If I have to do business on the phone though, I still get nervous. But I would just say that the more you do it, the less nervous you'll be.

