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Emptiness setting in

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    Emptiness setting in

    Well as you know I'm leaving for school. Tomorrow morning I'll take the greyhound bus to another city to start school I'm very nervous about it all really. To make my anxiety worse about the matter I haven't talked to my boyfriend because he is in the process of moving and wont have internet for a little while. Normally he could calm my nerves.

    I have his mom's number but I dont like calling it makes me feel weird I only called once and got voice mail....
    Id just feel more comfortable if he called me, idk if he's tried the phone I have was off for a day or so.

    Should I call....

    Maybe I should just deal on my own for now...

    Needless to say I've been starting to feel empty like a huge part of me is missing.
    " There is always hope.

    That's to be expected when you are separated with no communication. Just remember that it is short term and will be over soon. I will tell you from my experience that it starts to go away. I get to talk to my guy once a week if I'm lucky, sometimes it's more like two to three weeks, and over the summer I didn't hear from him for three months. It's the USMC lifestyle so my independence has grown over the past almost 11 months (wow!). Just stay positive and think about how you're starting school, you're going to make new friends, and this is a new step in your life. You can calm your own nerves, you have the power to do that by thinking that things won't be so bad. If you need to call him, call him, but I would try to relax and think positively about this on your own. Find new things in your city to do, go out explore, take photos, etc.

    I know right now the emptiness hurts but it will only eat at you if you continue to let it. It's a new chapter in your life, be excited!

