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Should I be jealous?

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    Should I be jealous?

    I finally seen my SO on blogtv after months of not seeing her face (and she was looking hot with her red riding hood costume on ;p Nothing too revealing though, but enough to please the eye). Anyway, when I was on blog with her and her friend -let's call her lisa-, lisa went away to go change her baby into her halloween costume, leaving my SO, myself and this other user named larry alone. Anyway, he was pretty much hitting on her saying that she looked really good and such, but then he said that he had a secret to tell her (my guess is that, for some inexplicable reason, he has a crush on her) and kept on going. Out of all the things he said to her, that was the only thing that got me mad and jealous (I guess). Is it ok to be jealous or what? Is it also ok to just let guys complement her on how good looking she is because, to me, that's a compliment to me as well, but he doesn't know that we're dating. And I didn't want to say anything because Jess doesn't like for people to know her personal business (respectively).

    Its perfectly ok to be jealous. It's how you deal with it. If he was just complimenting her on how she looks I don't think it's anything to be worried about. If it's something that keeps happening though and if it starts to get to you, you could bring it up with her. But be very careful how you do so.


      what I forgot to mention was that they live about an hour away, so yeah. I know she wouldn't do anything because she had many people try to come on to her at the bar before and she rejected them, so I'm not worried.


        Well I think it could become a problem if she doesn't set him straight it is one thing not to want to share your personal details but if it is getting to the point where it could be inappropriate for him to be saying such things I think her saying something as simple as I'm not interested or Sorry I'm taken are not sharing too much.
        I myself am a slightly jealous person but I feel like in a situation where someone is sort of stepping on your toes it is okay to be a little jealous. While it is a compliment to know that others feel the same as you and that you are lucky and have good taste it isn't fun to sit there any hear these things I'm sure.

        I don't know if I'm really answering the question properly so let me just put it this way.. If you feel it you've got reason to otherwise you wouldn't be feeling it.
        It is not as if you are controlling her or claiming her as your property she is in a relationship with you and I'm sure she wouldn't like it if another girl acted similarly to you. I'm not necessarily sure you should voice your concern over it without seeing if there was any reason but I don't think you have to feel guilty for being a little jealous.

        Maybe just ask about what he said, say you were a little jealous by the situation and I'd didn't make you feel very good inside. I'm sure she would understand


          I would discuss it with her, jealousy can be damaging to a relationship if two people don't have open communication and discuss why they are jealous. In this situation I think she should have mentioned to the guy that she is taken, that would have been the fair thing for her to do for both of you. Even if she doesn't want people to know her personal life, telling them she is taken isn't that personal, telling them by whom she is taken would be. She didn't have to go into detail but out of respect for you she should have asserted your position in her life to some degree. It worries me that she just allowed him to say those things to her, while compliments are alright, the continuous flirting would not be ok (at least not to me if that was some girl doing that to my guy). I think that takes it a little too far.

          You have a right to be jealous because you care, just don't let it get the best of you. A lot of people do that and it completely destroys your relationship. Keep your head up and good luck!


            Originally posted by savoie-truffle View Post
            Well I think it could become a problem if she doesn't set him straight it is one thing not to want to share your personal details but if it is getting to the point where it could be inappropriate for him to be saying such things I think her saying something as simple as I'm not interested or Sorry I'm taken are not sharing too much.
            I myself am a slightly jealous person but I feel like in a situation where someone is sort of stepping on your toes it is okay to be a little jealous. While it is a compliment to know that others feel the same as you and that you are lucky and have good taste it isn't fun to sit there any hear these things I'm sure.

            I don't know if I'm really answering the question properly so let me just put it this way.. If you feel it you've got reason to otherwise you wouldn't be feeling it.
            It is not as if you are controlling her or claiming her as your property she is in a relationship with you and I'm sure she wouldn't like it if another girl acted similarly to you. I'm not necessarily sure you should voice your concern over it without seeing if there was any reason but I don't think you have to feel guilty for being a little jealous.

            Maybe just ask about what he said, say you were a little jealous by the situation and I'd didn't make you feel very good inside. I'm sure she would understand
            Well, it didn't get to a point where it was severely uncomfortable, and he left after awhile, so saying that I got a little jealous would be overkill. I mean, if he was just being all like "I wanna *insert sexual thing here* you" or something like that, then yeah. I mean, I have ops in the room, so I could kick him out if I wanted to, but I felt no need to do that, plus they (her and her friend) would probably get pissed at me, lol. Anyway, yeah it isn't fun to just sit there and listen/watch them complement her all the time because after awhile, it just gets annoying. I'm not the jealous type, so it's different to feel like this, I guess. And trust me, no other girl would complement me on my dashing good looks lol. I'm just about as average as average can be. I'm not in shape whatsoever, but I guess she doesn't care about that because she's still with me and everything.

            But yeah, I'm going to tell her how I feel if it is necessary, but I don't think this would be a good reason to be like "Jess, I'm gonna hafta tell you that I got a little jealous when that guy did blahblahblah" lol Thanks though


              I'm just gonna quickly chime in here with my own experiences if thats ok.

              I met my SO on Stickam, which I guess is kind of similar to Blog TV. You can set up your own channel and broadcast your webcam live, people can watch your channel and enter the chat, and you can select certain people to be mods to keep everything under control if you miss anything.

              My SO found me one time when I was live, and we started chatting and it went from there. I used to go on Stickam a lot, prior to being in this serious relationship. Part of it was because I wanted to be told I looked pretty, hot, sexy etc. because I never got that validation from anywhere else. I never received so much attention in my life and it was addictive.

              Once my SO and I had cemented our relationship, I didn't feel the need to go on there anymore because he dotes upon me and he's all the attention I need. I love him and he knows it. He also didn't like the fact that I would go live because of all the other people that would come in the room.. he would get jealous. But then I stopped going on there partially for him as well. I didn't want to make him jealous and I didn't want him to have to see some of the things people were saying to me, because some people can be really sick sometimes and its best to just log off.

              What I'm saying here, is that its okay to feel jealous, but I also question what her reason is for going on blog tv if she's with you? Most people do it for the attention, whether its because they have their own show, or they're funny and wanna make people laugh, or just sit there being pretty.


                Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
                What I'm saying here, is that its okay to feel jealous, but I also question what her reason is for going on blog tv if she's with you? Most people do it for the attention, whether its because they have their own show, or they're funny and wanna make people laugh, or just sit there being pretty.
                No no no, that's not it at all. I said that she was on with a friend and the friend left to change her baby into her Halloween costume. She hardly ever, if ever, goes on blogtv just to get on. She doesn't have a webcam (because her's went kaput) and she is REALLY busy with school right now, so she doesn't have time to do that. If she does get on blog, it's to hang out with a few of her friends while she's doing something or getting ready for school.


                  Jealousy is a normal reaction. But you just need to talk to her and be sure of your relationship, And if at anytime you feel insecure then you need to discus that with your SO.
                  Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

                  I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

