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What do you do when you feel sad?

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    What do you do when you feel sad?

    I know that everybody has to go through those moments in the day when you just get upset and miss your boyfriend or girlfriend. What are some good ways to feel better when your upset about your boyfriend or girlfriend not being able to be there with you? I've met my boyfriend before a couple of times and he should be coming back the middle of this month or a little bit later but I was just curious what you guys do when you miss them so much.

    I fall asleep with something he's given me, such as a note or a laptop sleeve (we haven't exchanged stuffed animals, so that's why I chose such random things). It's just something to make think of him. I listen to our song, pray for him, think of our previous or upcoming visits. I think of how much I love him and how much he loves me.


      I read the cards and text he has sent It sucks I know. I've been in that spot a lot me. Look at pictures. Pray for him, write in my journal about how I feel.


        i read the text he sends me and hug the penguin he got me


          Hug the Pooh Bear he gave me. But mostly go to the gym and kick my own ass until it's sweat stained and short of breath. Exercise has always been my safety for all of the problems in life. Coincidentally, because he is a personal trainer by profession he'd be completely proud to hear of it.


            I write letters to her, or I Skype with her, or I try to plan out things for us to do the next time we see each other. It's hard, but it helps a little.


              Like my SO said, Skyping usually helps us deal with the sadness. But I love to laugh, so I watch stuff on YouTube or on TV that'll at least amuse me enough for a temporary fix.


                If JP is online we'll Skype, but usually it's the wee hours of the morning my time (haha, like now) before he's awake when the I miss you doldrums hit. Usually then I look at pictures of the two of us and listen to the playlist I made on Grooveshark with the songs that remind me of us. Or, if it isn't too late, I watch Disney movies or Nostalgia Chick or Arrested Development or the IT Crowd, and that usually cheers me up. I also sometimes look back on all of the cute text messages that he's sent me.


                  read his text messages, emails and i do send him an email telling him that at this very moment (i do state the exact time in my email) im thinking of him and i missing him..
                  "In love, two of the most important ingredients are being open and being content."

                  "God must have seen my need for someone who could turn my failure to victory, whose touch could turn my tears to smiles, who by just being there could turn my sadness to laughter. That's why he sent you to me."


                    I cry. Boring, huh? But it helps. Especially since I'm usually unable to distract myself.


                      I go to the gym like fadedsunrise and work the sadness out of me


                        I write a letter or find fun things we can do the next time he's in town. I think of all the things I want to show him that matter to me. That way I get to look forward to the next time I see him, even if I don't know when that is. It's hard sometimes but you learn to ease the sadness by being positive or keeping busy at least in my relationship. When he is deployed I have no control over when we talk and he doesn't either. It's kind of a random thing so letters for the next conversation or for when he comes home definitely help me to get through it all.

