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To break or not to break...

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    To break or not to break...

    Here are some main points of our relationship:
    - next month will be our 3rd yr & been LDR for 6 months
    - he started working in April the reason for the move
    - we were in the honeymoon stage for 2.5 yrs & this last 6 months life happened to him & slowly the honeymoon stage disappeared.
    - we've meet 2 times since he left
    - he's initiated to break up a few times but always we get back together. I've never once mention "break up".
    - we will meet up in about 2 weeks

    He told me he'll be super busy in Oct and probably cant keep in touch that often so I backed off being the understanding gf. But I'd send him txt sometimes to support him & let him know I love him. Sometimes he replies back but only a word or 2. The last week no contact at all until I txt him & got a reply yesterday saying now his job is slowly getting less busy & that he's going back to his hometown after work for his friends wedding! He mentioned that he was not going to the wedding b4 b/c of work & now he's going. My point is I feel like I'm not part of his life. I didn't know he has a break this weekend...I was still assuming he's busy working.
    He knows that I'd like to receive txt or talk on skype at least once a week b/c we've discussed it before but I feel like even if he's not busy working 12hr/Day he still wouldn't contact me. He's passed his honeymoon stage but I'm still there and believe in a passionate relationship even if I'm 80. I understand situation changes & people evolve but the core shouldn't change. These last week it hit me that may be my SO doesn't need a gf like me...he needs an emotionally stronger woman. I know who I am & I'm not that patient to not have any contact for a week. I love to love passionately & vise versa.
    I've been losing sleep this last week thinking about should I break up with him when we meet.... I think our relationship deserve the respect of a face-face break up no matter how hard it will be. It kills me replaying in my head what I'll say.

    Thanks for reading this long vent.

    I think at one time or another the honeymoon phase will go away. There will be a re-emergence at times but reality is that life happens. I too, need some sort of contact and would not be able to handle here and there contact. Id go crazy! But if you have come to realize that you two arent really compatible anymore then I agree that a face to face break up is best. But again, remember that you can be passionate and a hopeless romantic and still understand that honeymooning will not last forever. If you really dont want to break up then have a serious talk. But if you really feel it is time for both of you to go your own way, then it is good that you realize it now and dont drag it on and make yourself miserable any longer.
    Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

    I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west

