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Success stories with Turkish men!

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    Success stories with Turkish men!

    I met my boyfriend in May while on holiday in Turkey, I went back to see him in September and I am going to Istanbul to see him in 5 days . I'm very happy with him but my friends and family are not so happy for me!
    I hear so many horror stories about Turkish men and I was so skeptical when i first met my boyfriend, when i went back to see him in May, I expected it to be a disaster, I really thought it would go wrong and I'd see he was like other Turkish men.
    He proved me completely wrong, he paid for everything, he was so gentlemanly, he was kind, considerate and just lovely. He had been learning English and it is so good now, his written and spoken. I went back with a friend and she loved him (it didn't work out with her Turkish man) she even admitted she thought he was too good to be true and that he would show his true colours while we were in Turkey but he was so lovely to her and really made sure she was ok after things didn't work out for her. I am in touch with an English man (in his 50's with his own business) who knows him and he always tells me what a genuine guy he is and how he is not like other Turkish men.
    After 6 months of knowing him I am really believing this now and really letting myself think we could have a future but i just need some success stories i guess! I hear so many bad stories, I want to balance it out!! I have a friend who's cousin is married to a Turkish man and they have two children and completely in love. Stories like this just make me believe it really could happen even though we are completely different!! Is anyone else in the same situation as me? I would really appreciate some positive words!!

    Wow, that is great. many turkish men that i met were completely different, some were mean people, but me and my so talk with a younger turkish boy at the local yufika restaurant in our city, and he is really nice, he always talks with us and we are trying to teach him some english, but besided him, i only met bad mannered mean turkish guys, though luck.
    but we cant generalize based on race or gender or anything like that, you found a great man, and it doesnt matter his nationality! hope things continue to go great for you!
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


      Just because there is a stereotype about turkish men doesn't mean that is how they are all going to be. I think hearing about success stories people have with other Turkish fellows is completely irrelevant to who you are dating. I've dating my fair share of assholes but that doesn't mean that all Canadians I date are going to be like that. So you might hear that someone has a great relationship from Turkey, that person is a completely different person to the one you are dating so one success story mean nothing if the person you are dating is not a nice person. If he treats you well and seems genuine then don't worry, enjoy that you have found a wonderful man regardless of where he is from and what the stereotype is of men from that region.


        My roommate is Turkish and her boyfriend just happens to be visiting right now. Usually she tells me about how skeevy most Turkish men are, but her boyfriend is probably the most gentlemanly person I've ever met. It's always good to be cautious, but that's no reason not to give someone a chance.
        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
        Engaged: 09/26/2020


          Thank you everyone! I know success stories should be irrelevant but it just makes me feel better to hear success stories of LDR's in general and especially ones with turkish men. I know I should stop worrying and just enjoy being with him but its so hard when you get no support from family and friends, thats why this site is so good! Thank you!

