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I had a long talk with that guy i broke up with

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    Funnily enough, you did show a thick skin: when you broke up with him.


      Don't even talk to him. He's a jerk. He doesn't deserve to even speak to someone as wonderful as you!

      I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


        Originally posted by Shepard-Fowkes View Post
        Funnily enough, you did show a thick skin: when you broke up with him.
        This this THIS!

        He's just being manipulative, because you didn't put up with his abuse and had the strength to leave him. That makes you strong. You know how you deserve to be treated, and you won't put up with less. Good for you!


          Of course you did the right thing and the fact he is trying to make you feel bad about it is just wrong. And I agree with the people above me you had to be strong to break up with him and stop what he was doing to you


            We're all so proud of you for sticking up for YOU. And don't forget that even though you broke up with him, we still love you and we're still here for you on the website Hang in there buddy, you WILL find the right guy one day <3

            "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
            -Miguel De Cervantes

            Read our story HERE


              I do not think that someone who is ok with being called "******" and "stupid" is a STRONG person. In fact that person is probably really stupid OR is just way smarter to act that way (like an ass). He needs to learn manners instead of covering it up and being a duche to other people. I understand that people may say something stupid once in a while when they are too upset, but usually it is followed by an apology and a sincere regret, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
              I admire your assertiveness. Good job taking care of yourself and drawing APPROPRIATE and HEALTHY boundaries!


                You deserved better


                  thank you so much guys ! Couldn't have done it without you guys ! <3

