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When did you tell your family about your SO?

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    When did you tell your family about your SO?

    How long did it take for you to tell your family about your SO? And how did you go about doing it?

    I started by bringing up my SO as my "friend" who lived in Costa Rica. My mom was immediately like "oooh! He's your boyfriend??" and I would say no, because technically we weren't exclusive/official yet. I started bringing him up more and more into conversation and then was finally like "you know my friend, well he's coming to visit in November"

    After he left, my mom asked if he was my boyfriend, and I finally admitted to it.

    In total it took about 1.5 years to tell my mom we were together. And with my mom knowing, it just trickled through the family

    I tend to bring up guys far to quickly to my mom and then nothing comes of it. So when I met my SO I didn't want to say anything right away. I met him two weeks before meeting my mom in London for a week before coming home for Christmas. I tried so hard not to say anything about him as I didn't really know if I would see him again or how long it would be before going back to Germany. I couldn't keep my mouth shut though, she could tell that I had already fallen for him. Then when we got home it didn't take long for my Dad and sister to catch on with my constant checking of emails and turning bright red anytime they asked what I was doing.
    I went back to germany way too quickly and when Easter rolled around I planned a skype date with my moms side of the family since I couldn't be there for dinner, my SO was at my house when we skyped so my whole family ended up meeting him that way. So I guess it took about 3 weeks for my immediate family and about 3 months for my extended family to find out about him.,


      About 2 weeks before he was about to come here for the first visit. At that point we'd been talking online for about 3 months. I wanted to keep as low profile as possible just in case things didn't work out and avoid having to answer questions. But as I still lived with parents at that point, I had to explain why I was going to rent a place for week. It was obvious he was more than a friend, otherwise I wouldn't be looking to stay with him. It was a bit awkward. I told Mum first and asked her not to tell anyone. I told Dad later a day before he arrived. He was disappointed I told him so late. But they both were OK with it.

      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


        I had known my SO for three weeks when we decided that we wanted to be in a relationship. I had mentioned him to my mother once before as my friend's boyfriend's brother but not as anything other than that. The day we decided to make it official, I called my mom and told her that he and I were together. Once she knew, everybody in the family knew without me telling them. The short answer is three weeks, I guess.
        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

        Met: August 22, 2010
        Made it official: September 17, 2010
        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
        Got married: November 21, 2012
        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


          I met my SO during a travel in Japan and I lived in his parents house (homestay), so think after a week I told her that I was interested in the son of the house. Then around 1.5 week later I asked if the before mentioned son could come and stay in our house when I returned to Denmark (2 months later)... so guess she was updated during the whole time. I didn't tell my father before 3 months later.

          Think my mom was a bit surprised about me going on a travel for 2.5 months and then bringing a Japanese guy with me home.


            It took me... Well, a month after we first met face to face, and about eight months after we first started developing feelings to each other. I have never had a serious relationship before, and I was a bit unsure whether my mother had realised from my little hints that I'm bisexual. She's also the only one who I told, and I made her promise she wouldn't tell anyone else. But this is basically how it went:

            "Mom... I had a date."
            "What?! With who? When?"
            "Some weeks ago"
            "Where? Where was it?"
            "A little more... far away..."

            And so it went on before I told my mother my SO's age and gender and how we had been talking and how I met her in Glasgow. She was... surprised. But she's all fine with it, I hope. At least she doesn't seem to mind me talking about her, and she's asked me when does she get to see her. So yeah. [COLOR="Silver"]
            "Everyone smiles in the same language."


              My boyfriend and I kept things quiet for awhile for a few reasons. My best friend, and my boyfriends best friend are siblings. People get confused by that. Anyway, so that was the first reason, it kind of sensitive because if we dont work out then awkward for the family and it still could be but the first few months together we wanted to be sure. The found about about 3 months in. They are our best friends... we thought we were sneaky... we were wrong.

              After I told my best friend i told my family. His knew all along. Everyone was/is supportive though.
              Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

              I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


                I told my parents about 5 months after we became official. I wanted them to know but wasn't sure how to bring it up, so I just started talking about this boy I talk to all the time on xbox and knew my mom would get the hint (and she did). I actually texted my mom to tell her, because I was worried she wouldn't take it well lol. After she knew, she told my dad right away, and then I sent him a message on facebook the next day about my SO so he had an idea of what was going on since he's renting a place about an hour and a half away so he's near work and stays down there during the week. Once I told them, I made it facebook official lol and then everyone else kinda knew from there.
                You never forget your first love...


                  Well, I know it took me awhile to tell people about my boyfriend. I remember being scared of what people would think if I said I met a guy online... I remember my boyfriend saying he told his dad and his friend already because he was so happy he met me, so it pushed me to try and tell others. I know I told my mom first.. but I told people first I met someone online, but didn't refer to him as a boyfriend, though we weren't officially together yet so it wasn't lying. Then I told my sisters through my mom, as we were all out there, and my mom said something to me that my sisters overheard or something, which lead to my sisters looking up his facebook profile... lol and then I finally told my dad, which was the scariest because I don't talk to my dad as much about personal things, and told him I had a boyfriend in the UK. I remember I told all my friends I met someone online, I think I confessed to them first online and I know my one friend surprised me because she said she talks to people online too, so that was nice. And then a bit later we made it official on facebook so then pretty much everyone knew, because I have a few of my extended family on there as well. So, well, everyone knew on our anniversary of making it official on facebook which was over 10 months since I met him, but I can't remember when I told everyone.. actually I remember now, it couldn't have been more than 2 months after meeting him that I told my mom about meeting him because I remember asking my mom if it was okay if I gave out my address to him because we wanted to exchange christmas cards! lol


                    My sisters knew about my SO since shortly after we started having a purely physical relationship, and then they both knew as soon as we started actually dating. My mum I kept out of the loop for a little bit, because I wasn't sure how she'd feel about me having met a boy while living abroad. I basically told her about him the day that my SO and I became LD, but she had heard bits and pieces from my sisters. I'm assuming my entire extended family knew shortly after that, and I guess one of my sisters told my dad.

                    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                      My parents and my SO's parents lived together when they were in their twenties. So we're family friends, and it just sorta...happened. And everyone had been expecting it, so we never really had to tell anyone.


                        My mom knew I had met someone I was interested in at college (I had been keeping her updated all along), and I called her the next day after he told me about his feelings for me. After she found out, the rest of my family found out pretty quickly. A few weeks later, she (and I) met him and his parents when they were in town for a wedding.

                        So, as you can see, it all happened pretty fast.
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          It was six months into our relationship that i told my mom. Was soooooo scared lol. I told her could we go out just me and her, that I had something big to tell her. Never ever told or introduced a boy before and the first time it's a boy across the world that i've never met. So we went out and we were doing bible study and I was getting more freaked out as time passed, and then I started to think I couldn't do it. I wasn't going to tell her. When I opened up our bible lesson and the first thing I saw and read was his name. haha okay I know coincidence but I took it as a sign and motivation. I just told her there was this guy who I really liked and wanted to get to know. That I met him online and I would keep everything open so she could talk to him whenever she wanted. ( I did downplay my feelings about him to her, still do so she doesn't freak out) And so thats how that went. I'm glad i got that motivation, his name actually means God given lol so maybe he's my gift from God. I think my sister knew from like day one lol. And then dad I told a bit after. But here we are now, Im so glad that I did introduce him finally in person.
                          I love you Nathan <3
                          5/25/09 <3


                            As I was in Switzerland visiting my family when I first met him in person after two months online, they knew about him since the begin, my aunt and uncle met him the same day I did, lol

                            and my mother knew I was going to meet up with this "german boy", though none of us had any idea he would become my boyfriend and our relationship would become what it became, with us getting married this winter! *squee*
                            our story.


                            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                              Mine is a little complicated.
                              I was having an affair with my SO for just over 2 years and whenever we hit a rough patch i'd get pissy with everybody and when my mom asked if i was ok i'd say i had a falling out with my "friend" in Canada. All my family suspected there was more to our relationship but didn't say anything. Then i my ex and i split i had some trouble with some guy friends and my SO and i hatched a plan and listed us as in a relationship on facebook with the hope that they would leave me alone. I told my family it was a fake relationship so certain people would leave me alone, again they suspected otherwise but didn't say anything. It was about 2 weeks later when my SO and I had a massive heart to heart and decided we would become a couple and i told my family straight away. They were a little concerned with how it would work but they knew it was only a matter of time before something happened between us given our history and it was obvious we cared alot for eachother.
                              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

