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He's driving me insane.

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    He's driving me insane.

    I guess I'll start from the beginning. I was at work one morning minding my own business content with the single life and then he walked into my life. He walked in and tried to sell me a car service package. Me I was focused on getting my ice cream and going on break. And he was interested on trying to keep me around as long as possible. Within the month we were texting and facebooking calling each other, heres where all the issues started. I soon found out he was only here in florida temporarily for work and would within a week be going back to his home state, I was upset cause I actually really liked him. Starting there he started acting funny not talking much anymore kind of disconnected. He told me he could no longer do this so I yelled at him and we parted ways. This was last march. 3 months later he contacted me again told me he missed me and I took him back told him we would take things slow and see where it went. Everything was going perfect. He was supposed to move down here to go to my school but with work issues he wasnt able to. I figured it was ok and there was always next semester, things were still going good I wasnt worried. My birthday came around apparently he was going to come and surprise me but.... we had an argument so he didnt instead he joined the soccer team at his new school and decided that was more important which im still ok with. The night of my birthday we spent on skype and on the phone litterally from midnight to waaaay early in the morning. He comforted me when I was upset about my party fail we had a good night and he told me he loved me. And thats where the major problems began. 11 days later was his birthday that where he went MIA again............. I begged and pleaded with him he still wasnt speaking to me. I had no clue what I did wrong. A few weeks ago we started talking again, and he told me what was going on. He was scared cause I was the first girl he's fallen for in 3 years since his ex broke his heart. Not only that but he's only seen me once. I understand his concerns and all....... but regardless its upsetting that issues with his ex are taking a toll on us and our relationship......I say that because I also found out part of the reason he was upset is cause she recently got married. Since then things have been weird between us and im not sure how to fix it. I love him, but no longer feel that connection. I mean maybe its cause things are still in the weird state but I have no clue how to get back to how it was before. I have no clue if my story has made any sense im just simply typing whats coming to mind, dear LFAD, please help.

    ---------- Post added at 10:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

    Basically I want advice or tips on getting closer together again.

    I don't know what to tell you. To me it sounds like there are issues that he has to deal with concerning his ex before you two can move forward. So you were sort of together in March, and then the three month break, so you've been official since July? That's three months in. I know you care about each other, and it's hard to completely understand someone else's relationship and the dynamics... but I think he needs some space to figure out his feelings and everything that happened with his ex. Trying to get closer when those issues aren't resolved will only be temporary, because the issues will come up again.
    I think you should talk about the impact that the risidual feelings from his last relationship are having on your relationship now, and what you and he can do to help him heal up the wounds that are preventing you two from being as close as you'd both like.


      Yeah, I guess I'll have to. Its just a matter of figuring out how to bring it up regardless if this doesnt settle itself I might just have to call it quits cause there is only so much a person can take.

