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LDR starters

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    LDR starters

    Head start, I used to believe that LDR never works. But now that I have one I started to get hope and light that I can be successful on this relationship. I love the guy and I want to make everything work.

    I don't know if I still want to continue with this long distance thing. I love him I'm sure of that but I'm starting to be crazy about our differences. Not only in terms of time zones and continental issues but more of individual issues. I can never be sure if I am the only one girl in his life or the only girl he is dating for that matter so I guess I have trust issues too. We will meet on December 30, He will go here in the Philippines to visit me and my family. It is a great time also to spend quality time because I’m leaving my country soon to work overseas (UAE). I want to think that this is a normal occurrence for people engage in LDR.

    Many people here are able to make their LDRs work despite time zones and distance. Long distance relationships are not easy and especially if there is a lack of trust it is nearly impossible for it to work. You need to talk to him about your issues or you are headed for disaster. I hope you enjoy your time together when he comes to meet you. Make sure you have open communication and are on the same page about being exclusive or open to seeing other people, unless you have had that talk maybe he doesn't know that you are expecting him not to date anyone else.


      There are always concerns when you first get into a LDR. Your still learning about each other and getting to know one another. I think a visit is good, then you can meet and see if you want to continue this relationship. With time you get used to the time zone's. With this type of relationship trust and communication are huge. You have wonders about who else is in his life, ask him. If you want a committed relationship, tell them, you guys need to talk and make clear what you want out of this. Long distance can work, I've been doing it and so many other couples on this site can tell you how there doing it, but you both have to want it. Best of luck to the both of you!
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        The most important thing in an LDR is trust, without that, there's little hope of it working out, you really can't be in a healthy LDR without it. If you can manage the trust thing, read through the forums and you'll find plenty of people who are in really good relationships. An LDR is the same as any other relationship, some couples break up after a short time together, some are together for years, and a few eventually get married. If you've found the right person, then you've found them, geography becomes secondary to that.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Thank you so much for your quick replies I feel better now. Im still adjusting this is new to me. I hope that we can work things out especially after our vacation and New Year here in my country. Thank you!

          ---------- Post added at 02:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 AM ----------

          Thank you so much for your quick replies I feel better now. Im still adjusting this is new to me. I hope that we can work things out especially after our vacation and New Year here in my country. Thank you!


            Everything you are feeling is extremely normal. But if you have trust issues with him and aren't sure if he is seeing someone else while with you then you need to figure out if that is something you feel as a result of something that he has done or if it is something that you are just feeling. You need to communicate all of this with him, all of your fears and all of the things you aren't sure about.

            It is hard. Extremely hard to be in an LDR. I get to see my SO about once a months these days and it is hard for me so I can only imagine those who have never met or get once a year or every 2 years. Distance is distance and it is hard on everyone but it is something we have all chosen to endure and work through because the relationship and the person and worth the hardship.

            Once you calm down and settle into this relationship and the distance things will be fine. But you have to communicate with him and trust him.
            Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

            I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


              Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
              Many people here are able to make their LDRs work despite time zones and distance. Long distance relationships are not easy and especially if there is a lack of trust it is nearly impossible for it to work. You need to talk to him about your issues or you are headed for disaster. I hope you enjoy your time together when he comes to meet you. Make sure you have open communication and are on the same page about being exclusive or open to seeing other people, unless you have had that talk maybe he doesn't know that you are expecting him not to date anyone else.

              If your trust issues are that big that you are all the time thinking he is doing something behind your back, this isnt healthy.

              I was reading Tiffany's tips for when love gets serious (i know, i know, judge me, but it's a section from their website and it has many beautiful love stories! <3)

              NO. 4

              Jealousy Hurts.
              On the surface jealousy is simply a lack of trust.

              And that is not a good sign.

              But if it is justified, this train is going nowhere.

              NO. 13

              Politics Is Not A Deal Breaker.
              Unless you make it one.

              NO. 17

              Tastes Are Supposed To Differ.
              That’s part of the electricity.

              That’s part of an exciting life.

              You say tomato, I say to-mah-to.

              but you should at least be certain your SO is worthy it. or it will never work.
              our story.


              02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

              "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                There will always be doubts when you first get into a relationship with someone. But being in a LDR trust is very important. You should talk to him and let him know what is bothering you. Men are not mind readers and they don't know what woman are thinking about. Communication is very important in relationship no matter the distance.

                Have a great visit in December. And best of luck in your relationship

