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My insecurities strike again!! I am screwing things up!!

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    My insecurities strike again!! I am screwing things up!!

    Hello everyone, it has been awhile since I posted anything on here so I felt I needed to give an update about me and my SO. Warning, long

    Ok, so me and my SO (DL) met back in early summer and we have been talking, texting, chatting online, we have physically been together for 5 weekends since then and we have grown so close since we started out. Also, let me say that DL is the most amazing man I have ever met. He is so kind, caring, very understanding and most importantly he has been so patient with me and my insecurities the past few months. I can't believe how understanding he has been with me and all my issues. He has quickly become my best friend and I love him with all my heart.
    So, whats the problem right? a nutshell its all ME. Since I met him and we have grown closer, feelings have developed between us and he has on several occassions told me that we wants us to be more than just friends...but only when I am ready. Because of my past relationships, one of them being a LDR that ended horrible I have been very reluctant to let myself go with DL. I have for the most part kept our relationship at the friendship level because, thats I guess what I am most comfortable with. We have not been intamate or physical yet...even though we both want that.. Why? Because of ME and my insecurities! I know that he cares for me alot and I can tell he is a very honest and sincere man and he has been patiently dealing with my insecurities with the long distance relationship thing for over 5 months now and I am afraid he is getting tired of it. So let me rewind to last weekend when he was here.
    He came down on Saturday morning( a 4 hour drive none the less) to spend all day with me Sat and most of Sunday. Usually he stays in a nearby Motel, but last weekend I told him I wanted him to stay with me from now on instead of spending money on a motel room. He kept asking if I was ok with that (he's so sweet always concerned about me) I told him I was. And I was...I wanted us to grow closer. I had arranged to have my mom take my kids for the whole weekend so we could enjoy our time alone.
    So he came down on Saturday, we went for a walk in the local park, went to see a movie, came back to my place..I made dinner for him (His favorite, Lasagna) then we drove to the local video store to rent a movie...settled on the couch to watch the movie together. It was the perfect end to the perfect day, we cuddled on the coach under a blanket. Up to this point we have not really been intimate or physcial. Our kisses and hugs have been more on the friendly side than a relationship type so I guess maybe thats why what happened next kinda freaked me out so much... Half way though the movie he leaned towards me and kissed me on the lips..while it surprised me, it was the most amazing kiss I have ever had, I felt completely numb as we kissed..however I was so surprised by it I pulled away quicky and had such surprised look on my face that I made him feel uncomfortable. He asked me... whats wrong? I was so embarrassed by the way I had reacted I didn't know what to say, so all I said was..nothing..its fine.. Well from that point on he became kinda distant and barley looked at me for the rest of the movie even though I kept touching his arm. I could tell I upset him...I was mad at myself. I didn't mean to react that way towards him kissing me and I wanted him to kiss me...what was wrong with me?!!! Well the movie finished and he got up to get a drink and then came out and said he was going to head to bed...I asked to sit down and talk to me for a minute. I explained to him that I didn't mean to pull away like that it just surprised me thats all...please don't be offended by it. He said he understood and it was fine (But I could tell it really wasn't) So I asked him where he wanted to sleep, I told him he could either sleep in the small den I have...(there's a spare cot in there) or with me in my bed ( of course I wanted him to sleep in my bed with me!) he said...well I think its probably best if I sleep in the spare bed tonite I don't want to over step my boundries.. I was so upset he said sounded so cold even though I know he didn't mean it like that..I said it was ok and I was fine with him sleeping with me but he said no again. I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes so I said goodnight and turned away and went off to my room. I layed in bed crying...I was soo upset with myself.
    Well Sunday morning came, I was up early because I couldn't sleep that night. I made pancakes for him breakfast, we sat at my table making small talk..I aksed him how he slept, he said ok. I kept trying to get him to open up but all I got were one or two word answers..very short. Well the day went on, we went to the hardware store to get a few things (he had offered to fix a shelf in my closet)..worked on that, went to get some things at the store together...Neither one of us said much most of the day, just casual friendly conversation with each other.
    As we walked through the store I asked him is he was ok and that he seemed very distant. He said he was fine, just confused and alittle embarrassed about what happened the night before. I told him not to be embarrassed that I was happy he wanted to kiss me, I just have my issues hun you know..I am a mess ( I was trying to make it out to be a joking statement to help him feel like it wasn't anything he did wrong). He didn't say much after that just that he understood and it was fine.
    Well the day went on..we hung out at my place watching TV for the rest of the afternoon..soon it was time for him to leave. I asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner but he said he wanted to get on the road before it got to late. I said ok (even though I wasn't ok with that). I told him I felt like he was mad at me..He said no he wasn't. He headed towards the door with his things...I walked him out to his car where we stood for about 10 minutes just looking at each other. I wanted to reach out and pull him towards me and kiss him so bad but I was frozen standing there. Finally reached over and gave me a hug and then turned to get in his car..I more hug please...I pulled him towards me and held him so tightly against me...I didn't want to let him go. As we stopped hugging I started crying and when he asked why I was crying I said it was nothing I would be ok.He said something was wrong but I told him it was nothing. I stood there crying as he drove mad at myself for screwing things up this weekend.. What was wrong with me?? I am a 35 year old woman. I shouldn't be having this hard of a time with this incredible man!
    Well he sent me a text when he got home..(usually he calls and we talk for a bit) and this week hasn't been the same..He has been distant with me in his texts, and on the phone. I keep asking him whats wrong..he says nothing but I know he's upset with me.
    I want to open to him so bad and tell him why I pulled away but I think he is getting alitle tired of me being so insecure. I know in my heart I love him so much but I am too scared to tell him. I want us to grow closer and be more intimate and physical but I think I ruined all that by the way I acted last weekend. I feel things have changed between us...he hasn't texed me as much as he usually does. I used to get texts all the time saying "thinking about you" or "can't wait to talk to you"..this past week nothing beyond "hey how's your day going" or I'll call you later" When we talk its not the same..usually about work, the kids..etc..
    I am scared I'm losing him and I don't want to. I know I'm over reacting probably to all this but its so hard not to. We did talk for awhile last night and he seemed to be alittle more cheery and we had more of a normal conversation. We laughed joked etc...he was sounding more like his old self. I told him I still felt bad about last weekend...he told me to let it go and that it was fine. He said.."we need to take things one day at a time so he doesn't overwhelm me"...what does that mean?? When I asked him what he meant by that he said...I don't want to talk about it anymore tonite....I told him not to take what happened personal, please be patient with me..its just my past relationships that are causing me to be overcautious with him and I was sorry for that. He said he was trying but he wasn't sure he could break down the walls that I have built up to protect myself...I was silent after he said that..I could feel myself starting to breakdown...I tried to tell reassure him by telling him he was the only one that could help me break down those walls...he didn't say anything after was almost midnight so we said goodnight...I told him I miss him....he said..miss you too..
    Today he is helping his dad so he isn't sure how much we can talk so I am not sure if I will even hear from him. I figured I would share my story with the hopes maybe someone else has gone through this before me and can offer so advice. I am afraid he's giving up on me because of my insecurities and If I don't stop being so closed he will pull away more...I need to figure things out here soon...
    What is wrong with me? It should be so easy to let myself go with him...I know I love him..I am just so guarded with him and it drives me crazy because I don't mean to be...


    Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!

    So I decided to call my girlfriend today to talk to her since I am feeling so down and thinking about things way to much im sure. Well that was a big mistake, normally she is very supportive and understanding but today she seemed down right rude towards me. I told her about last weekend and what happened and the way things have been going this past week since I hadn't talked to her in a couple weeks I figured she would want to know. Well she sounded irritated and said to me..."honestly hun I don't know why you are even thinking about getting into another LDR , you know how the last one ended up and you have no business dating someone who lives 300 miles away. You know these relationships never work out in the long run"....then she proceeded to tell me that I am way to emotionally needy and clingy for most men to deal with. Most men don't like women who need constant reassurance and that I need alot of reassurance and emotional support.
    I know she probably meant well but it hurt, and just makes me feel even worse about myself and our situation. I told her I had to go and ended our conversation pretty abruptly.

    Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!


      My first kinda LDR we were together CD for nearly 2 years and then when I went overseas for 4ish months he cheated on me which lead me to never want to try LD again..and now look where I am now 2 and a half years into another LDR, engaged *happy dance* and we are in different countries (USA, NZ)

      I think you should give it a go with this guy it sounds like you have a lot of love between the both of you and I for one know things can happen in the past but you need to look forward...and you never know this guy might be the one for you.

      Perhaps you should talk to someone else apart from your friends and your SO in regards to your insecurities.



        Thanks Madge, I agree there is something very special between us. I can say I am very comfortable with him and he is a great guy. I have grown to love him as a friend and now I want to take it to the next level its just a bridge I have to cross on my own.
        I have thought about talking to a councilor unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover it and its way to expensive for me to handle on my own. Thats why I thought I would try here, everyone has been so helpful in the past on here.

        Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!


          I stopped reading your post midway but I from what I read I think you should give this guy a go. Just take things very slow and don't put too much on what will happen in the future--just let it happen.

          He sounds like a real sweetheart and just because your past LDR failed doesn't mean this one will.

          Best of luck


            I agree with Jgui and Madge. You and only YOU can bring down that wall. You yourself even said you love him. With love sometimes you have to let your guard down and let it happen. You can't let the past predict the future. Also I think your friend was pretty rude, but I've found that unless the person I'm talking to has been or is in an LDR then they don't understand the issues I'm going through. So find someone who can understand or would help you a little better. I also think you should open up to him about how you're feeling sometimes as he's not in your head so he can't really know what you're thinking. Also think you should've kissed him. I always say the biggest obstacle in your life is yourself. Everyone can try to tell you who you are or what you should and shouldn't do, but at the end of the day you're the one who makes the decisions about your life, not anyone else. I hope things work out and that you can get past your insecurities.


              You know, I was really super nervous about going into my current relationship. I didn't want it to feel fake the way the other online relationships did that I had when I was a teenager. I wanted this to be real. So I put my all into it, went and saw him a lot, and made it something really special. And I don't regret it at all. I'm never looking back, and it's crazy that this person was there the whole time who would soon be my everything and my future.

              I say go for it and don't be so concerned about what might happen. Have fun.

              I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


                You sound a little traumatized with your past relationships experiences, and he is kind of stepping on eggs, afraid to hurt you or cross any of your boundaries. Only you can know what you are or not confortable with.

                Hope things get better for you
                our story.


                02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                  Thank you so much for your replies. I appreciate everyone's feedback and I understand what each of you are saying. I know I am the only one that can break down the walls that I have built up to protect myself from being hurt again. DL is a great man, it seems. He has been very understanding and very patient with me and hes been a great friend. I know I love him and I do trust him, its just sometimes I find myself doubting what he says or what I feel because of the betrayal I felt in my previous LFR. Does that make any sense?? I find myself second guessing things. For example just this past weekend told me he missed me in text message and I caught myself did? I know I want to trust him and let him in deeper its just a matter of doing it.
                  We did talk alittle this weekend about what happened last Saturday and hes its ok we'll work through it. I hope I can work through it as I realize I am the only one keeping us from being more than just friends.
                  I told him the next time we are together (which I hope is in a couple weeks) I wanted us to have a heart to heart talk. I want to tell him in person that I love him and don't want to hold back any longer. I think its better I tell him in person and I want to see his reaction and his expression. I am hoping and praying we will work out....One day at a time.

                  Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!


                    hello my friend,
                    after my very recent hurtful situation i totally understand your hesitation. But you guys have been at this long enough to know your've already met in person, more than once and he still wants you That previous guy from the other LDR doesn't deserve to hold any more emotional power over you and your chances at love and happiness. Because remember...that was not true love..but THIS one could be!!! And you deserve it

