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Do you fit in with your SO's family?

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    Ive never MET his parents, but we've spoken via email and skype a few times. I dont know his extended family at all because they live in India and they wont be at the wedding either - so i'll probably never meet them.
    I think his family like me... >.< I would say i do get on with them ok Me and his sister are good friends. Me and his brother tho... still unsure about him lol.
    he gets on well with my family, and i think (and hope) he lives my extended family. Although xmas was weird... in a funny way... XD


      I get along really well with her family! I was worried that they wouldn't like me at all but I was happily proved wrong. My SO lives with her mum and her grandmother lives down the road so she doesn't have a huge family that I had to be introduced to. I knew her mum was really excited to meet me and was so worried she wouldn't like me, but we got along really well. She said she loved cooking for me as I liked everything ha. All three of us tended to hang out together a lot and it was great fun. She has always been so supportive of us and it was wonderful to get to meet her during my visit. I get shy when I talk to her mum on Skype but in person I seem to just talk and talk.

      I was worried my SO's grandmother wouldn't like me and I didn't know if she did or not as she didn't speak to me that much really but then as time went on I heard from my SO that she was really happy for us, and she even gave me old clothes of hers since we are the same size, although I didn't really keep them but still. I remember one day towards the end of my visit she came for a visit and had bought me a Riesen Donut which I had such an addiction to while I was in Germany. I thought that was really really sweet.

      We visited my SO's aunt, uncle and cousins in Munich and they were so lovely and accomodating to me. Her aunt even gave me her old winter coat, and told my SO that she needs to tell her when we are going to get married so they can save money to come to New Zealand for it. I met another aunt as well and then she added me on FB so I think in general everyone seemed to like me. So I am pretty lucky in that respect.


        No ):
        His parents have never liked me. They think I am a bad influence even though it was the other way around and we have both grown up. She still thinks I am the same person as I was two years ago. We have both changed and she still sees me as a horrible person. She is mostly the problem, his dad isn't as bad. They are both snobby and stuck up and rude. They think they are so much better than me, and they are really mean to him too. He is almost twenty and they still expect him to do things for them that he shouldn't have to do. He does them anyways, though, and I guess it's him just being the bigger man. But it's not fair, some of the stuff they want from him.
        I LOVE his grandparents! When we first met I was really shy but I've talked to his granny on the phone a few times and she is so nice and completely unlike the parents. She is supportive of our relationship and she listens to him when he tells her that I'm not a bad person.
        His little brother is pretty cool, too, although we only see each other on occasion and we don't really talk.


          I get along with them, they're very welcoming and accomodating, and I do what I can to not get in the way or feel like I'm intruding. But I don't fit-in with them. I'm not a typical girl, I don't care about fashion, or shoes or makeup or watching Project Runway or Glee, I'd rather be watching Animal Planet. So I mostly feel like I have nothing to say to them, so I don't really talk to them that much. I feel bad because I would like to be closer with his sister as we're the same age, I just never know what to say to her. But I'm not the most social person either.

          I don't really talk all that much to his dad, but he is always just genuinely nice and we can have good chats
          Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
          First met: June 13th 2006


            He hasnt spent a lot of time with my family but they're kind of neutral on the thing. He is my first BF so they dont want to get used to him and what not, my bro is jelouse of him though lol

            On the other hand...i fit in with his family AND extended family. His parents like me or so thats what they made us think this summer since we spent 3 days at their house and my bfs mom would insist that we stay longer! I love spending time with his extended family. His cousins already consider me part of the family...actually everyone does. His extended family lives like 3 blocks away from us and my mom is friends with his aunts so i guess it is all good. I've never met such a humble, hard working, fun, crazy family like his.

            .....and we're not even married! His grandparents from Mexico welcomed me warmly, especially his grandma, she's a very special woman. Supposedly I did something good or something cuz his grandma asked when I would return, everyone was shocked to see her hug me and kiss me on the cheek because she doesnt do the same with my bfs brothers gf XD so i guess i fit in. lmao


              My boyfriend fits right in with my family and they love him so much! He also loves them too. He spent Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve with my family last year, and they included him in games and inside jokes and it was as if he became one of us. It feels so great to know my extended family approves. My mom adores him, as do my dad and my stepmom. My parents have known Anthony since we were little kids, so they knew going into the relationship that he was a great guy and they totally loved him.

              I fit in well too with his family. Like my parents, his mom has known me since I was a little girl and she's always loved me. His younger sister really likes me a lot and we get along great. His older sister is the only problem...she doesn't like me at all. She's jealous of me because I'm thinner than she is and I'm tall too. Anthony's grandparents also love me a lot too and always invite me over. They treat me as if I'm one of their grandchildren. It's wonderful!

              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                I do! I was so worried that her family wouldn't like me because I never spoke to them before coming over to visit and her mom had a few problems with our relationship, but once they met me... everything was perfect! They realized that it wasn't just an "online affair" and that we really wanted to be together. They invited us for dinner often and we also went out together. Especially during my last visit. Her mom picked me up and we went grocery shopping together and then she dropped me off at my SO's workplace. She was even really down and worried a few nights before I had to leave again. We get along really well. I don't share their religious views, but they barely ever mention it, so I have no problems with that.

