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How Do YOU Handle Less Communication Between You and Your SO While On Vacation?

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    How Do YOU Handle Less Communication Between You and Your SO While On Vacation?

    I always feel guilty for going on vacation because I know my boyfriend misses me. Even though we have telephone conversations and text message, it's not the same as when I'm home.

    When I'm out of the country I always find an internet cafe so we can talk for a few minutes and send him an email. When I'm in the country I text him pictures and send him a post card from each new place we go (one for every day I'm away).

    Part of me kind of cherishes the time "away" from the LDR, it's a little break that I know I need every now and then. Do you guys do anything 'special' to change your routines with your SO while you're on vacation?

    We don't really do anything. We both understand that when the other goes away that they should enjoy it and not worry about getting to a computer or a phone to call. We usually go the few days without contact then have a long skype when the other gets back to tall them everything about the trip.


      I thought that was how it was going to be until I recently started taking more trips in the country instead of out of the country (talking about when we weren't officially together yet), but when I'm in the country he's really pretty strong about wanting to still talk to me, which I enjoy.

      However, that was before his new job, he tells me how much he misses me while I'm gone and we can't talk as much so I'm looking for some ideas about how I can go out of my way a little to let him know I'm thinking of him.


        we have had 2 summers now that have had long vacations away from each other... we text once at about lunch time so we know each other are alive, and then a text at dinner time, that says either yes, internet is available, or no, night night love you...
        we dont really mind. by the end its all "i miss you" etc, but then we know that the magical feeling of being together again is worth it <3


          Yeah, I'm not going to be gone very long. And I figure he'll keep himself busy with his friends and Skyrim. I know I'll text him when I can just "thinking of you" and a couple pictures, and then of course the post cards but those don't come until after I get back.

          Plus, who even knows what my cell phone service will be like, I have no idea where I'm going to really be lolllll


            I can't really afford to go on vacation that often, but over this past summer I went to Greece for two weeks. My boyfriend got so upset about it and was like, scared we would break up, and I had to tell him a million times that that's NOT what would happen. It was an amazing two weeks and even though I had barely any time to talk to him between the time difference and the fields trips, I kept in touch by sending him emails about my day when I did have time. He would send me an email every day about what he did and how he felt, and it worked out fine, despite my boyfriend's constant worrying. I don't know why he was so worried at all, and I did have a long talk with him before I left about how his feelings towards my trip were going to affect me during my trip. He was making me feel guilty for going on this opportunity of a lifetime trip, so I set him straight and said whether you like it or not, I'm going on this trip, and you should support me, not make me feel guilty. It got better towards the end of the trip a he knew I would be coming home.
            Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
            Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
            Engaged: 09/26/2020


              Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
              I can't really afford to go on vacation that often, but over this past summer I went to Greece for two weeks. My boyfriend got so upset about it and was like, scared we would break up, and I had to tell him a million times that that's NOT what would happen. It was an amazing two weeks and even though I had barely any time to talk to him between the time difference and the fields trips, I kept in touch by sending him emails about my day when I did have time. He would send me an email every day about what he did and how he felt, and it worked out fine, despite my boyfriend's constant worrying. I don't know why he was so worried at all, and I did have a long talk with him before I left about how his feelings towards my trip were going to affect me during my trip. He was making me feel guilty for going on this opportunity of a lifetime trip, so I set him straight and said whether you like it or not, I'm going on this trip, and you should support me, not make me feel guilty. It got better towards the end of the trip a he knew I would be coming home.
              Before my boyfriend was even my boyfriend he did the same thing to me when I went to Italy. All of the sudden he went into freak out mode - you're going to find some Italian man and move to Italy (I go there quite often), etc etc. I talked to him every day from an internet cafe even though it was for only a short time, and I sent him emails.

              He was so happy when I came back to just talk to me again. He's not worried about this vacation at all, I'm just going to Arizona to get away for Thanksgiving and I think between his work, his friends and the holidays he'll be plenty busy so he won't have much time to miss me.


                Last year I went to Spain for 3 months. I guess we still weren't "official" yet, but like you I sent him a post card from just about every city I went to. I also sent him email updates on what was going on, and we had an occasional scheduled chat.

                After having lived with him, I assume if I go away for a long time again, we'll probably skype a few times a week. And I'd still send postcards, cuz that's something I love doing regardless!!


                  Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                  Last year I went to Spain for 3 months. I guess we still weren't "official" yet, but like you I sent him a post card from just about every city I went to. I also sent him email updates on what was going on, and we had an occasional scheduled chat.

                  After having lived with him, I assume if I go away for a long time again, we'll probably skype a few times a week. And I'd still send postcards, cuz that's something I love doing regardless!!
                  I really love sending postcards too. It's such a silly thing, I think, but I really love doing it.

                  Like I said, with his new job and the holiday I hope that he's just too busy to realize I'm gone. I know we'll text when he's able to and talk if I have service and he's available then too. I won't be gone for too long, I think exactly a week.

                  I just need a chance to unwind.


                    Since we've been together i've only been on one vacation for 2 weeks to see my family back home. We spoke every few days. I dont send postcards and he just wanted me to enjoy my time with my family (hadnt seen my parents in 4 years at that point, wouldve been sooner but since i've been with him every vacation i get i go to see my man lol).


                      for sure we talk less! but i think thats ok, if we were CD we would talk less on holidays.


                        While we were together both him and me went on vacation a couple of times. Firstly I went to Japan for two weeks on a school trip. My phone had an international sim, so I was texting him and my family and checking facebook on it. Lets just say I kinda expected the $800 phone bill for that month. Then earlier this year he went to Fiji for a week and he didn't have an international sim. So I just tried to keep busy. I went and hung with a mate one day.


                          He's taken a few weekend breaks with friends since we've been together; he'll send me a text or two to let me know he's safe etc. but that's about it. I simply keep myself occupied with other things until he returns. I've never been on holiday without my SO - the only times I've gone away were to see him, so he's never had to face this problem!


                            I am going to Costa Rica to do some research over spring break. Since i will be in the rainforest I do not think I will have any way to talk to my SO the whole time I am there.

                            I talked to him and he didn't seem upset or angry about it. He just wants me to have fun, enjoy my first trip out of the country, and to relax. He probably would be busy any way since he is going to Canada with friends and gambling.

