So, I rescued a kitten off the streets over the summer with the intention of getting the starved, frightened little thing healthy again and then finding someone to adopt him.
Of course it didn't end up that way. I made the mistake of naming him, (Haydn. Hyde-in. As in Joseph Haydn,) and taking him to get all his shots blahblahblah. Now the little guy is not so little anymore and is closing in on 6 months old. Needless to say, I'm rather attached to him now.
Here's my problem: Boyfriend, Rob, is pretty allergic to cats. He doesn't break out in hives or anything, just gets a bad case of the sniffles and if he doesn't have any allergy medication he can have trouble breathing. He can take some Benedryll or Claritin and be okay, but I don't want to have to drug him up the whole time he's here. He hasn't been in since the beginning of summer -- before I came across Haydn. He's probably making a trip in next week with his puppy to spend Thanksgiving with me. I've been obsessively cleaning all week to try and prepare. I even bathed Haydn and have these wipes that are supposed to cut down on allergy-causing dander. I washed all my sheets and have been vacuuming regularly.
Anybody have any other ideas on what I can do to cut down on the amount of dander and make my apartment more comfortable for Rob when he gets here? I'm going to feel really bad kicking Haydn out of my bed, especially since my head/chest/back are his favorite places to sleep, but I know that's a major thing I'm going to have to do. I don't want to have to make someone else watch him for a week, mostly because I'll feel bad and it'll just be a huge hassle to try to deal with.
I appreciate any comments!
Of course it didn't end up that way. I made the mistake of naming him, (Haydn. Hyde-in. As in Joseph Haydn,) and taking him to get all his shots blahblahblah. Now the little guy is not so little anymore and is closing in on 6 months old. Needless to say, I'm rather attached to him now.
Here's my problem: Boyfriend, Rob, is pretty allergic to cats. He doesn't break out in hives or anything, just gets a bad case of the sniffles and if he doesn't have any allergy medication he can have trouble breathing. He can take some Benedryll or Claritin and be okay, but I don't want to have to drug him up the whole time he's here. He hasn't been in since the beginning of summer -- before I came across Haydn. He's probably making a trip in next week with his puppy to spend Thanksgiving with me. I've been obsessively cleaning all week to try and prepare. I even bathed Haydn and have these wipes that are supposed to cut down on allergy-causing dander. I washed all my sheets and have been vacuuming regularly.
Anybody have any other ideas on what I can do to cut down on the amount of dander and make my apartment more comfortable for Rob when he gets here? I'm going to feel really bad kicking Haydn out of my bed, especially since my head/chest/back are his favorite places to sleep, but I know that's a major thing I'm going to have to do. I don't want to have to make someone else watch him for a week, mostly because I'll feel bad and it'll just be a huge hassle to try to deal with.
I appreciate any comments!
Here's my baby!
