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What do you love about your SO? What do you not like?

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    What do you love about your SO? What do you not like?

    I'm just curious about which of your SO's traits are your favorites and least favorites. What do you think your SO would say YOUR strengths and weaknesses are? What are their favorite traits and least favorite? Is there anything you would change about your SO or yourself?

    For me, I love that he stands up for what he believes in. He is always interested in learning new things. He is curious and adventurous. He is fun and goofy and he doesn't care what anyone else thinks. He is very level headed and he thinks things out while I tend to be the opposite. He has a million different personalities and he is wonderful at holding deep conversations about the mysteries of the world
    What I don't like is that he sleeps too much and he makes me late for everything. I was late every day of my senior year of highschool. Even graduation. I was ANGRY! He is getting better about the sleeping part, though. They go hand in hand really. The reason he is always late is because he is sleeping.

    I think he would say I'm too anal and up tight and it's hard for me to relax. I get stressed out about being late and everything needs to be planned out before hand.
    Strengths are a little harder. I think he would say there is no one else like me, I'm funny and I'm an amazing artist. He tells me I'm silly and I always want what's best for him.

    I wouldn't change anything about him. Although I don't like some of the things he does, he wouldn't be the same person if he wasn't the way he is.

    What about all of you?

    My Favourite trait of my SO is probably that he's mature. He's only 19 and graduated from his courses has travelled and made his own money to come over sea's. He has multiple jobs and one is him teaching his own class of zumba. He is respectful to others, when he was here was a gentleman and helped pack and put away groceries for my parents, pays for himself even when they offer. Just he is so accomplished and respectful and i love that he is just a genuine good man.

    Trait i like least? mhmm i can be emotional so its partly my fault. But sometimes things he says hurts my feelings. Not in a mean way but like he doesn't realize how it sounds to me or he's just being realistic or yeah lol but he rarely does this.

    About me?
    He probably likes least how i view myself, this has been probably his biggest complaint like when i talk about my weight or how i want to change or workout or, yeah it upsets him when i look down on myself in this way.

    and what he likes best? lol idk, he tells me he loves me all the time, but i dont feel like writing things about myself that he's said.

    But like NineInchNails_x said. I also wouldn't change a thing about my SO. I love him for who he is, even when i don't love little things it makes him him, and that's the man i love.
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      I love that my SO would do anything in the world to make me happy.

      I don't like how much he works.

      My SO would say that I'm always happy and up for a good time.

      And he would say I sometimes keep my feelings hidden for no reason.


        Most things about my SO are pretty amazing, he can be a lot of fun, always knows how to make me smile, goes for bird-watching walks with me, buys me little chocolate surprises on his way home from work etc. But he's so messy :P It wouldn't bother me so much, but we're living out of the same bedroom for 6 months and I do everything I can not to let my stuff get in his way or bother him and he leaves wrappers and trash everywhere, dirty cups, plates, the other day there were 13 dirty spoons and today I took out 37 soda cans... each and every one his, all because he doesn't put them in the recycling when he's done with them. The state of his room, really doesn't bother me that much, but I'll ask him to tidy something or just put something away for me and he says yes, but he never does it. He has a problem with authority and I'm not trying to tell him what to do, because I don't want to do that, I just want to feel appreciated by him actually doing something that I ask of him.

        Ugh, that's the end of that rant, had that on my chest for a while, lol.
        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
        First met: June 13th 2006


          I love that he does everything in his power to make me feel safe and loved.
          I dislike how he spends so much time playing video games he can sometimes forget about me mid conversation.

          I don't know what my SO loves most about me, he refuses to tell me, always giving me the "oh I have so many things I love about you line." xD
          He dislikes how I shrugs things off that really hurt me, things he knows I'm upset at, until I'm ready to throw them back in his face. A habit I've been trying to break for years x.x

          Met: 8.17.09
          Started Dating: 8.20.09
          First Met: 10.2.10
          Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


            my favorite traits of her: how smart she is, her laugh, the way she can see a random street sign and turn it into some funny story, how much she loves people to the point if someone is not doing good she'll cry

            least favorite traits: when shes forever worried about going back to her old weight of 300 pounds, when it takes her hours to stop being angry when we have arguments

            and no i wouldnt change anything about her, she wouldnt be her if she did that


              I like how he is a good listener

              I dislike how little he's comfortable with sharing about his own problems.

              He likes how I'm kind (his words)

              He probably dislikes the same thing about me because I won't talk about things 95% of the time. He's just won't talk about problems 99%...


                I love that he's so reliable, he always keeps his word. He's gentle and devoted to me. He enjoys closeness.

                I wish he were more assertive. He is stubborn, but not assertive enough. He also has a pessimist attitude on most things. Thankfully not us.

                Hmm, what bothers him the most about me? I don't know really, I could list loads of things myself, but he never complains about me or shows the strain. I think he's bothered that I'm so dejected about my life and not using my potential.

                He says I make him happy and make him laugh. And that nobody understands him better.

                Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                  I love his creative mind. It makes for wonderful conversation. I love his huge heart. I love how he has the ability to strike up a conversation with almost anyone, and people are rarely taken aback. He is a very loveable, hilarious man and there's just something about his aura that people are drawn to. It makes me so proud to have him as my boyfriend haha.

                  The one thing I don't like is that he never puts stuff away once he's done with them. But neither do I so I can't really complain! haha oh my gosh. I'm trying to work on that. We're going to have make an effort to keep stuff clean when we get our place together.

                  I think he would say that I'm a very thoughtful and giving person, and that I have a huge heart also. Then he would probably say that I am too uptight about things and need to just let go sometimes.


                    I'm just curious about which of your SO's traits are your favorites and least favorites.
                    My favorite physical traits about my SO are his eyes, his butt and his shoulders. My favorite non-physical traits are the fact that he is so respectful, smart, and loving. Whenever we are together, he is so affectionate and always wants to spend as much time with me as possible. He always knows exactly what to say if I'm upset or in need of comforting words. My SO has told me I am beautiful. He's the only person aside from my parents to ever tell me that. <3 My least favorite thing about him would definitely have to be that he gets extremely caught up in things, so much that he can completely forget about me. When he's up at school, sometimes I won't get a text from him for a few days because he gets so busy with projects, floor, schoolwork and going to hockey games. Also, I wish he was a little bit more romantic or thoughtful at times. I send him packages and letters...I'd love more than anything to get a letter from him. He writes so beautifully, but he doesn't think he does, so he doesn't really write that often. I think that's why he doesn't, because he's embarrassed that he'll write something wrong, even though I'd love anything he writes.

                    What do you think your SO would say YOUR strengths and weaknesses are?

                    He would say my strengths are definitely my smarts and that I am beautiful, loving and sweet. He would say I am just a "totally awesome" person. He would say my weaknesses would be my self esteem and stressing. I stress out about everything and I tend to worry about a lot of things. Also, my self esteem is extremely low and therefore I get insecure sometimes and ask him for reassurance. I think he would tell me I'm beautiful and that I should see it too and not to worry.

                    What are their favorite traits and least favorite? Is there anything you would change about your SO or yourself?
                    His favorite physical trait on me is my hair. He is obsessed lol. Whenever we're together, he always comments on how he likes my hair, even if I think it looks messy. He loves to run his fingers through my hair too, he just always talks about my hair. Therefore, if I ever decide to change anything about it, I always consult with him first. Like, when I decided to get a body wave again, I asked his opinion on it and he said he loved it like that the last time I had one, and I asked him how he'd feel if I got feathers put in, and he told me he'd love to see that, so I now have a body wave and feathers lol. He's yet to see the feathers IRL though...only on camera, and he could barely see them there. Is there anything I would change? Hmmm...good question. I don't think so, actually. We wouldn't be who we are if it wasn't for our flaws as well as our positive traits. It's all about acceptance. I accept Anthony's flaws for what they are and I know there's nothing he can do to change them, and I know my own flaws aren't capable of being changed either. Since we both accepted each other for who we are as well as the flaws, our love will grow and we will live more fulfilling, happy lives because of the acceptance we have of one another.

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      My SO's best traits are probably that he's so intouch emotionally, and he's very competent at everything he does. I enjoy watching how sure-footed he is - for want of a better way to put it. He has a driving need to be a good husband and father, and he's very ambitious. He's good with money, has the patience of a saint, and has no problem going out of his way to love me no matter what or who is around <3

                      He's not so great traits are his terrible bloody memory. If i could change one thing, it would be that. He's also anal and a tight-arse, but he's trying to work on those things. He's also very selfish and critical. He's working on the selfishness, but the criticalness is here to stay.

                      He would say about me that my good qualities are:
                      That I give the most awesome blowjobs, I'm selfless, loving and a talented writer. He would also say he loves how creative I am and how much effort I put in to keep this relationship alive and fun.

                      He'd say my bad qualities are:
                      That I look for trouble/drama (I don't agree haha), and that I'm afriad of stupid shit (yeah, I'll give him that.). That I don't handle stress well enough and that some of my values are confusing (I'm a total clash of feminist and traditionalist). That's all he's complained about that I haven't made an effort to fix anyway

                      If I could change me, I'd make me more motivated and less lazy. Generally if he wants me to change he tells me about it, so currently I think he thinks I'm good the way I am, more or less
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

