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Bit Scared.

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    Bit Scared.

    Our next visit is coming up. It's our second, as a couple, and it's stupid, I know, but I'm nervous and anxious and scared.
    I was wondering if anyone else felt like this? I'm just scared that the second time round, having had some space away from each other...
    I don't know. I love him, I can't wait to see him, but I'm scared.

    We'll see each other on December with my SO, and I'm kinda scared too. Just nervous of if we'll get along as well as we did last time. I don't really know what to do to these feelings other than talking to my SO about them. She's always reassured me.
    "Everyone smiles in the same language."


      I think how you feel is normal. It sis hard not to compare it to the first visit but also you relationship has progressed. It will be a great visit. Just make sure to not compare it to your first one. Like I said, your relationship has become stronger as time has gone on and as all relationships do, it evolved. Im sure it will be even better and intense than before!
      Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

      I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


        Its still to far away, but i imagine when our 2nd visit is closer i'll be nervous too. But I was scared the first visit and had all these worries and fears and in the end it was silly. Because things were amazing. And I wonder why I panicked so much. So I think things will go great. You met and all those what if's were answered now the 2nd time around you can just enjoy the time with your SO to the fullest from the beginning of the visit.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          @ Bethypoo - our first visit turned into us living together for six months before I came to university, so it's safe to say we're now on the even keel section of our relationship, and I do feel secure with him, but it's just those stupid thoughts in the back of my head. :S

          Also, those of you who had your SO visit you...what was it like sharing your life with them? I'm scared about him meeting my friends and seeing my stuff and where I live.


            I think that's probably normal, at least I hope it is. My SO is home for thanksgiving, not quite sure when I'll get to see him yet, but I'm nervous. We've been really good friends for years but this is the first time I'll see him since we became a "couple" and it's nerve wracking and weird. lol.


              When you start to feel anxious or scared, just think back to the times you shared with him and remember that it's going to be wonderful! And it will be so exciting!

              I was sooooo nervous the first time meeting my SO, I almost threw up at the airport hahaha. He stayed with me for 3 months and met my family and friends, and they all pretty much adored him! (except my mum, she's still getting used to the fact that her baby girl is growing up). And he absolutely loved it here and loved my city which is why he wants to come back and be the one to move over here.

              I'm sure your family will love him and accept him, after all he is a big part of your life. But really it's nothing to worry about! You just gotta try and focus on the positives because they will for sure outweigh any negatives.


                it's a normal feeling you're getting especially if your wait since the 1st visit has been a while.

                i remember the 1st time i met my SO i was getting butterflies the WHOLE day at work.. i was just so anxious and nervous at the same time. i was literally doing jumping jacks at work to help ease the anxiety, of course everyone at work thought i was crazy... hahaha


                  we're in the same boat! christmas will be the 2nd time my bf and I have ever seen each other. I'm kinda scared too! I'm worried that I'm going to spend the whole time crying because I'll be so happy to see him. and then there's the dreaded day when he has to go back home. I can't even think about that right now!


                    It's normal or it was the same for me anyway (I don't know if that's a standard for 'normal', though).

                    My boyfriend and I started out close distance and before my first visit to him I was really nervous. I thought that things might be different after not having seen each other for a month, that he wouldn't like me anymore or I would realize I had only had a crush and it was gone... and probably a lot of other silly things.

                    We visit each other pretty much every three weeks and after two years together, I still get nervous before every visit. I'm not scared or worried anymore, but I'm always nervous and excited.

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      Thank you for posting this because I was thinking about it too. My bf is coming on Christmas and now that I know what it feels like to be heartbroken when he has to go back, I'm so scared that fear of feeling it again will linger in my head all week. I'm going to try my best not to think of it and know I'll get to fly over and see him next, but that pain was just so strong and I dont want it to win me over and ruin our time together. =/ The second time is definately harder once you know how it feels from the first


                        Originally posted by killerkaytee View Post
                        TMy bf is coming on Christmas and now that I know what it feels like to be heartbroken when he has to go back, I'm so scared that fear of feeling it again will linger in my head all week.
                        Yes, this part terrifies me too. Last time, I visited him, and although leaving was so, unbelievably difficult (I cried through a lot of the plane ride home) I'm dreading what it's like to be the one left behind.


                          Originally posted by Biddlybiddlybombop View Post
                          Yes, this part terrifies me too. Last time, I visited him, and although leaving was so, unbelievably difficult (I cried through a lot of the plane ride home) I'm dreading what it's like to be the one left behind.
                          Its very hard watching them walk away =/ I havnt been the one to leave yet so I dont know how it feels, but being left behind sucks. I cried all through the airport and all the way home but it gets a lot better with time. I keep reminding myself that we'll be together again soon and that helps ease the fear a lot. IT TIME TO KICK FEAR IN THE BUTT!!!


                            My SO and I started out close distance. Now that we're long distance, our second visit is coming up in three days and I'm so nervous!
                            I think it's completely normal.

                            Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                            Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                            Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                            Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                            Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014

