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Whats wrong with me?

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    Whats wrong with me?

    So last night my bf and I got into a fight. And today he had a day off from work and whenever we talk Im like blah. He said im acting distant, but idk why. Its not just with my boyfriend, I feel irrtable today and sensitive.

    Im wondering if the fight last night caused me to fall out of love with my boyfriend?

    Does anyone else feel this way a day after a fight, and if so how do you get passed it?

    your might be PMSing, i dont think you fell out of love but your probably pissy due to it being possibly that time of the month coming soon. Yeah after a fight i do feel like that a little bit, a good nights sleep is what helps it pass and us talking about it in detail the next day also helps and then were perfectly fine afterwords


      Yeah, I feel like that after a fight, too. Usually, the only thing that helps is time. Sit it out and in most cases, things will be back to normal after a few days. All the best!


        I wish it was PMSing lol, but I have like 2 more weeks. I hate fights so much! I thought this morning I would feel better, but Im so out of it.


          PMS occurs before your period, during the second half of your cycle. So it may be due to PMS. But you can never be sure of course.

          If you feel irritable, take a breather. Do relaxing activities and don't focus on your relationship at all. Then return to it later. Sometimes I'll feel extra irritable with Frank and the slightest thing will set me off, so I just step back and watch a movie or read a book to distract myself, and often the next day I'll forget what it was that made me upset with Frank.
          Read my LDR story!


            Hope it ventilated already girl!


              I always feel like this after a fight until we've properly made up again, and then I'm back to normal

